Question about Honeysuckle

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sam1974x, May 29, 2009.

  1. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Here are a couple of pics of my honeysuckle, that I am trying to get growing over an arch so that it frames the one window (excuse the reindeer, he is still waiting from christmas to go to his new house at my mums!)



    Question is ..... do I need to plant another honeysuckle the otherside of the arch for it to cover completely, or will it eventually be enough to cover all the arch if I keep pulling the branches down to cover the L/H side ?

    The honeysuckle has been there about 2 years, maybe 3 but no longer than that. Not sure of the growth rates of honeysuckle though.

    Might be a really stupid questions - ie plants dont grow down etc ...... but thought I would ask anyway :)
  2. Redwing

    Redwing Wild Gardener

    Mar 22, 2009
    Hi Sam

    I don't think you need another one. Some honeysuckles, and this one looks like one, are pretty vigorous. What I think you should do is train some of what is now growing up the right side of the window, underneath the window to grow horizontally beneath the window and then up the left side. So you would need to disentangle some of it and re train it under the window, if that makes sense. It you can't untangle it then prune some so new growth can then be encouraged to go under the window and eventually up the left side. (once the reindeer is gone :wink:)
  3. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    Ahhhhh - thats how you do it then !!

    Will have a go at doing that cause its got pretty bushy one side now so there should be plenty spare for the other side. Hopefully I wont break off the branches trying to untie it :)

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