Questions about climbers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by mztrouble, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    Hi Guys, sorry for all the questions, but am trying to make sure I do the best for my roses!!

    I have a v small trellis on the front of the house which my climbing roses were happy with, now however, they are bigger than the trellis now and I really want them covering loads of the front of the house... I've looked into getting bigger trellis but it all seems a bit complicated sooooo... I was wondering if I could use some garden twine or wire across the front? If I do, presumably I'll need to tie the roses in the make sure they go where I want them too???

    Sorry to sound a bit stupid but I've 2 climbers, 1 white, 1 pink (compassion) and I want thme to weave in and out from each other!!

  2. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Hi MzT, garden twine by itself is unlikely to be strong enough to support a lot of rose. A fairly strong wire will be needed.

    It doesn't make much difference what you use to support the roses, be it trellis or wire, you will need to drill and plug the wall to take some sort of screw to fix the trellis or wire to the wall.

    If you use wire then I suggest you look out for one of these


    I think they are called vine eyes, a ring with a longish shank and a screw thread on the end, they will hold the wire away from the wall by about 2 or 3 inches. I've used them to fix wires to fence posts and a sort of thickish plastic net (which comes on a roll in white, brown or green) on walls and on which I have jasmine, a rose and wisteria climbing. It doesn't look as good as trellis but a hell of a sight cheaper.
  3. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    Thanks mike! I don't mind paying for the trellis it just doesn't come in the right size for the front of my house - wicks sell those eyelets so I could use them tomorrow - I'l check it out :-D
  4. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Make sure the eyelets have threads like wood screws, not bolts like the larger ones for fencing wires.
  5. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007

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