I know I'm going to regret this, but Mrs Tweaky brought home a rabbit today...She wasn't impressed with the name I suggested "Future Stew" but anyway. Its a lion maned rabbit...quite cute really. (apart from the 18 quid she paid for it) Its got a hutch (off freecycle), but she wants it to be more of a pet...so will be in the house a lot...the cats and dawg have already been introduced to it and everything seems ok...guinea pig next she says.....:( As its a buck...and approx 6 to 8 weeks old...it will have to be...erm, de-testicled yea. So my questions are...I eventually get round to my questions..its my age you know. How old does it need to be before the snip at the vets? And how big a run should I build for it in the garden. Cheers.
Tweaky. From 3 months is the norm I think. (or when they uhmmm ... drop!) I think your name recommendation is brilliant! :D Ant.
Blimey, tweat, you will have to have things sorted. I would love one too, but can't do it. If you can that's smashing. I've heard of house rabbits, don't know how you will get on with your own pets. Give us some more pics. cheers
Don't I know it, but everytime her indoors is let out...I cringe as to what she will return with. You would think a gerbil, hamster, dawg and four cats would be enough wouldn't you plus the lads goldfish.....mind you, I'm after a Welsh Border Collie as well...so I'm as daft as she is, heh,heh.:D Cheers Ant. Thanks for the info. Ok, will get the camera dusted off.
Can't she get something a bit more useful?!! I mean ... even our 9 year old asked for Chickens for her birthday this year!
Hi Tweeky. I forgot to answer your second question about run size. My last run was 2m x 3m x 1m and my last rabbit seemed more than content with it. I'm not sure what the smallest you could get away with is. Ant.
Tweaky the guneia Pig will need plenty of food that contains VitaminC as they cannot manufactuor their own.You can buy VitaminC drops that go into the water you give them but not sure what affect it will have on the rabbit.Another question for Cookie me thinks:thumb: Also chck out rehoming websites for Guneia Pigs because there are lots because people buy them for their children then end up at the rescue centres when the kids no longer want them.There must be some out your way... By the way,do you live on a farm with all these pets and piccy's of the pets would be nice sometime,or even after you have fixed that outside tap:D
High all. I shall get back to this thread, but in the meantime...Mrs Tweaky has happily kept rabbits and guinea pigs together in the past...so, I shall leave that side of it up to her. Last time I had a rabbit was when I was 7 years old...in the 1700's. It's not a lion maned rabbit, they are called Lion Head Rabbits and apparently (after googling it) they are loads of different kinds. This one is a Chestnut one. They do need to be groomed carefully though as not just their mane but it they sprout above the back thighs (as he does apparently he is a double Lion head) then you have to be careful when brushing those parts as they are more like wool, than fur. Hence they require fibre in their diet to mop up the wool in their gut when they have been grooming. Got the new cage today..quite large and he seems dead happy with it. Turns out, that the owner of the local garage has got two and his mother has one which is house trained. They are very friendly, get used to their name, no bother with cats and dogs, which we have already found out....so I can see him living in the house during the winter....oh eck, I already have four cats sleeping on my bed without a flamin rabbit and guinea pig. Do we live on a farm....alas no. However we do live in a little country village and have room for a few pets. Mrs Tweaky wanted chickens, but it is impractical for us, because of our mobility problems, so I have persuaded her against the idea, although it would have been nice to have a couple. So it's diy weekend. Build run for rabbit and guinea pig. Probably 4' x 6'..sorry metric means nothing to me. So it is easily moved from area to area. Build base for new hutch so the Von can access it easily. Tap!!!!!! Don't forget the tap Tweaky. Pic's. Yea, will sort something out shortly. Your advice about re-homing is a good one Kandy. However, our local one doesn't have any at the moment and the Vonnie (Mrs Tweaky) want's to get one tomorrow. When she wants something, it has to be NOW, so who am I to argue, being under the thumb an all that. You women know what your like without me trying to explain, heh,heh.:D:thumb: If I am ordered to get the plastic out...I just do as I'm told.