Race for life

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    <Grumpy old man alert>

    When is the men's version of the Cancer Research UK's annual Race for Life?

    If we're supposed to have equality these days, how come I, like roughly 50% of the population, am excluded from this event based purely on gender alone? Blokes get cancer too. Doesn't that matter to Cancer Research UK, the organisers of the women only fund raising event Race for Life?

    Call me a whining git, but I think its unfair. Not just this one example, but you get women only classes at the various gyms (both public/council and private), women only classes at the colleges etc, often without the same or comparable opportunity presented to us chaps.

    Its a good job I don't really care too much, otherwise I might be a bit upset by the injustice of it all.
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      You're a whining git.:snork::WINK1:

      When wimmins lib came into being it was based on the true fact that women were getting paid less for doing the same jobs as men.

      At the time, a bloke could earn enough to pay for the entire family. Now, 50 years later, it takes 2 salaries to pay for the same things that one did before.

      End result, yes women have an equal place in the work force but employers have twice the labour force to choose from so salaries have not increased to the stage where we can all have a good living and children have suffered because both mum & dad have to go out to work to earn the same money that a bloke earned before.

      Then they wonder why there is civil unrest?
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      • pete

        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

        Jan 9, 2005
        Mid Kent
        As with the whole thing called "positive discrimination" these days, its all got out of hand.
        But we have got to the point where the government can actually say they need more women, regardless of who is best for the job.
        And its not just the government doing this.

        I've got no problem if a woman is the best applicant, she should get the job, but to exclude men just for that reason is wrong.
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        • ClaraLou

          ClaraLou Total Gardener

          Aug 12, 2009
          Yes, we are now all running just to stand still. if this equals freedom, you know where can stick it. My sister was just saying the other day that she's lucky that her small son isn't the type to get sick very often, because if he were she couldn't possibly hold down her demanding job and look after him as well. She likes her job, but she doesn't do it just for personal fulfillment; the mortgage and everything else depends on it.

          However, I don't think we can go back to the days when the majority of mums stayed at home, even assuming that they wanted to do so and could afford it. When I was small, divorce was rare and still slightly shocking. Now, relationships are much more fragile. My ex, for example, married again only to walk out on wife #2 and small child after just five years. I'm not being sexist here; I know women do this sort of thing too. But dependency is a very precarious state to be in these days.

          On the subject of cancer and the way it's reported, OH once wrote to complain about a particularly toe-curling piece in a BBC publication which had presented prostate cancer as a bit of a joke. He called it 'an appalling piece of matronising'. They printed his letter but really didn't understand his anger. I'm afraid sexism only works one way.
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Thanks for that Clare, I thought my post may be taken the wrong way by the Girls.
          But you've backed me up:dbgrtmb:
        • Jack McHammocklashing

          Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

          May 29, 2011
          Ex Civil Serpent
          Fife Scotland
          Back when the male was the bread winner, and the wife stayed at home, ACTUALLY CLEANED THE HOUSE, looked after the children, had proper meals on the table and all sat down together life was civilised and AFFORDABLE

          Then Bill and WENDY childless, found Wendy a job, they now had double income
          When a child came along, they gave the mug stay at home mother next door 5% of their wage to look after Jimmy
          Then Bill and Wendy bought a fabulous house up the posh district,

          All the NORMAL families flapped, and sent their WIFE off to work, gladly accepted by the new electronics factory as willing to take half the wage of a FAMILY PROVIDER

          They could not afford on one and a half wages to give the mother next door some pittance to look after their Jimmy, so Jimmy was given a house key to look after himself, and along with his mates found lots of trouble to cause and get into

          They eventually managed to get a better house like the first couple, and instead of a cycle to work bought an old banger

          Now thanks to Bill and Wendy everyone has to have both members of a couple working to afford the same home, there are now millions of cars on the road, and millions of door key rouges causing trouble
          No wife under 35 know how to cook anymore so it is instand dinners and take-aways
          they all have cars, so no where to park or road space to drive them on
          No more walking and cycling so most are obese, the children follow wrote so it is a way of life for them when they become of age to work

          The wise girls get pregnant get a free council house, and £200pw benefits
          Others take up a boy friend, who has a nice car, they both work, but she gets to pay for half the car, and ride around in it

          Others become couples and marry, then struggle all their lives whilst being screwed by the Government to pay for the single mothers
          So life goes on and on all thanks to Bill and Wendy

          Next the EU Tony Bliar and his friends decide to also pay for all the european single mothers too (by single mothers I do not include WIDOWS)

          Jack McHammocklashing
        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Ee that Bill and Wendy eh? What toe rags.

          Sounds like a good analysis though Jack.

          Doesn't change the fact that women seem to lack basic arithmetic skills these days though. I've heard many times, how the childcare is so expensive that their wages barely cover it, and if anything at all goes wrong then they end up out of pocket. One of my mam's friends is an example. I've told my mam to pass on a simple formula to her friend:

          Profit = income - outgoings.

          For many, income = wage. Outgoings (among other things) = childcare.

          So when childcare is more than wage, a loss happens, and everyone would be better off if said mother (or the kid's dad) was to pack in work and look after the kids.

          I don't know what's changed in recent years, but it seems I'm the odd one out now. I was raised to believe that, for example, you can't have everything and you must make choices. For example, you can't have kids, career and full independence. Two out three maybe, but not all of them. Or you can't have a relationship without trust and commitment, and that relationships need work and compromise on both sides otherwise they fail.

          Anyway, back to the original point, when we going burn our Y fronts?
        • gcc3663

          gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

          May 6, 2011
          North Tyneside/South Northumberland
          Ooooh Clueless.
          You had the sympathy vote with your first post.
          Dig out the tin hat now though!!
        • Jiffy

          Jiffy The Match is on Fire

          Aug 25, 2011
          Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
          Mens toilets are free to use, lady toilets you have to pay, or has that change, not sure now ????????

          To be fair men should pay as well, then it would be the same as the ladys.

          Or to be free for every one

          If everthing was fair we wouldn't has anything to gossip and talk about :loll:
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Well i suppose i'm the odd one out as there is nothing i would love more than to stay at home, cook and clean and be a 'proper' homemaker.....intead i go to work ...run myself wragged ..cook ,clean...try to be a 'homemaker' and end up kna....and irritable...just in time for when Mr Lolimac gets home and i can then chew his head off:heehee:....I'm not really into this womens lib buisness....besides i can't get away without a bra these days:WINK1:So for all the career women out there ..Go for it and good luck...hope it pays off....but it's not for moi......:chicken:
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          • ClaraLou

            ClaraLou Total Gardener

            Aug 12, 2009
            You should have burnt them years ago, Clueless. They're revolting. Get yourself some nice boxers. :heehee:

            I've been married twice and in a former life I was the breadwinner for years while my ex went back to university to do a medical degree, having quit his job. There wasn't a day when I didn't worry about how I was going to stretch my meagre salary far enough to pay the bills - but at least I didn't have kids to worry about. (I think men - and it is still men, generally - who cheerfully take on this sort of responsibility are to be congratulated.) My experience taught me a lot, some of it not very PC.

            (a) There are exceptions, but most women don't really like being the main wage earner in a relationship. Men such my ex who take a step backwards when it's time to pay for anything and then say patronising things like 'you don't earn bad money for what you do, do you?' are about as attractive as a pile of doggy doos. This is particularly true if,as in my case, they expect the little woman to do the housework as well as pay all the bills. As far as I'm concerned this is abject slavery rather than liberation.

            (b) Relationships end. Sad, but true. It's always wise to think about how you would cope if everything went pear shaped. Personally I wish I had been a little slower to spend and a bit quicker to save.

            (c) You should never live your life through somebody else. (Now, that does sound like a feminist statement.) In the unlikely event that my partner came home one night and announced that he was jacking everything in and going off to university, I wouldn't be prepared, as I once was, to turn my life upside down so that he could follow his dream.

            (c) I don't want to be chairman/woman of Ewing Oil. I like being at home. (Hmm. Not very feminist, maybe.) I've been lucky enough to find work I can do from home for the last few years, but recently it's been dwindling. Do I feel bored and unfulfilled? Not really. I just feel very lucky that I'm married to someone who doesn't mind being taking on a role I hated - being the breadwinner.

            (d) Doctors are not supermen, so never be afraid to ask questions. Some of them, like my ex, didn't pass their 11+, took several goes to pass their medical exams and have IQs which are bog-standard. :heehee:
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