Radish cropping...Scarlet Globe

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Markymark, May 10, 2012.

  1. Markymark

    Markymark Gardener

    Mar 26, 2011
    I sowed some radish seeds on the 1st of April and it is now almost six weeks and I can definitely see some red, just under the soil of one of the plants. I only have six plants growing...
    How do I know when they are ready to harvest? The packet says 4-5 weeks, but I am not convinced about that and don't want to pull them up if they are not ready..
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Mark,

    They will swell on the surface, you'll be able to see when they are ready. 4-5 weeks would be a good guide in a normal spring, but not with the weather we've been having, might take a bit longer.

    Do some sucessional sowings so you get some more later on. Still remember coming home from school at lunchtime & picking out the biggest ones & dipping them in salt to munch.

    Thats back when salt was good for you.
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    • Markymark

      Markymark Gardener

      Mar 26, 2011
      I came home from school today and I decided to pull up the radish that I had grown...am really pleased with the results. I had them with my tea...salmon, spinach and radish! they were sooo nice... my second batch are also growing nicely...
      Can I just ask, the space that is now empty can i literally re-sow some more radish into this ground or do I need to do 'something' to it first? I got chicken manure pellets, fish blood and bone for the soil...just not sure if I need to improve the soil again or whether it would just be fine to grow the next set. I water them with miracle grow plant food each week as they grow..

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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Thats smashing, takes me back to my skool days:dbgrtmb:

        Dig a bit of the blood fish & bone in, go easy with the chicken pellets, lot of nitrogen in those, which will make a lot of leaf growth but might be at the expense of the roots.

        Always pays to rotate the crops, not grow the same thing in the same bit of ground but change it for something else like beans.
      • westwales

        westwales Gardener

        Feb 18, 2012
        10 miles from the coast in the rainy west
        I know butter has been bad for you (but I understand it's good again now). Try the radish with the teeniest bit of butter instead of the salt didn't think I'd like it as I love the salt too but now I'm addicted to radish with butter.

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