Railways - Real & Model

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Mikkel, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Ever since the day I very first stepped on to the footplate of a Steam Locomotive at London Fenchurch Street and in the days of British Railways, I have Loved the railways. From then, on every birthday and Christmas, I asked for a train-set, hoping it would be an electric one, so as to avoid the constant winding-up. Sadly, my parents never had the money and despite our Dad working all the hours he could so as to ensure we were kept to the best of his ability. It was some years later that I did get an electric train-set, but to share with my brother who has No interest whatsoever in them, well at least compared to me.

    Upon leaving school, I went to work in a factory, because the railways were then starting to change over from Steam to electric and I had wanted to become a driver of a Steam train. Strangely enough, it wasn't until November 1989 that I eventually joined a course on the railway to become a Guard. I had tried several years before this to join the railway, but had to have transport from a remote village with poor public transport first. After passing my Exams, I went on to work on the railway for almost 13 years before being 'Persuaded' as such, to take early retirement due to Unstable Angina. I have to admit, IF I had my way, I WOULD still be working on there, because I honestly Loved the comradeship, as well as railways full-stop.

    Since my retirement, I have joined a Group in the restoring of a now ex-freight line and for Heritage use instead and now as Chairman of it, not that I wanted it. I was happy just being a Member, but sadly after I was elected as Vice-Chairman 2 years ago, the Chairman resigned last year and I was then elected to take on his role.

    It was also from joining this same group, that I started up a Model Railway Club and three and a half years ago. This has now exhibited the layout 3 times, attended 2 Shows as such this year alone, with another 3 Exhibitions booked for next year and one already for late in 2010.

    If in a Charity Shop, I look for jigsaw puzzles and Railways that I will buy if I don't already have and store them with the other near 100 of and still yet to do.
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Well done Mikkel a very interesting pastime,glad your doing something that is in your blood,in the past I have worked on steam driven engines and steam turbines cann't beat an oily rag in your back pocket.:thumb:
  3. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Well done Mikkel:)...Every school boy's dream! Well mine for sure ..and there you are living it!:thumb:...I have been lucky enough to work on real Steam Engines for a short time and visit a Steam Centre quite often which is on my door step.:)
  4. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Theres nothing like a big steam engine to bring out the boyhood dreams in all of us! I think on our nearby steam railway you can buy an hour or so helping 'drive' the engine up and down the line - might have to ask for that as a Xmas pressie someday.
  5. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    We have the Swanage railway near here and it is a fantastic sight to see a steam train, the view of it from Corfe Castle is stunning. You seem to been enjoying your life with the trains.:)
  6. UJH

    UJH Gardener

    Jul 7, 2008
    I live near the Watercress Line.
  7. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Just to make some of you a tad jealous, here is me on the footplate of Britannia when doing a Steam Weekend back in the 1990's. Sadly though, I wasn't permitted to drive her, but oh what a Beautiful machine all the same? :thmb:

    Believe it or not, years previous to this, I was on a Preserved line hwere this was and had to climb into the firebox and remove the firebars. Good job the fire wasn't lit at the time. :thumb:
  8. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Me too, we've been on it a few times, and the Xmas specials when the kids were younger :thumb:
  9. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Well, I will now say it, keep your eyes on either www.bramleyline.org.uk or the supporters one on www.freewebs.com/bramleylinesupporters because in time, we ARE going to be running trains again and I am now currently Chairman of it, also doing all I can, along with a Good Committee and in order to ensure it comes off. :thmb:

    While we can't promise exactly what loco's yet, we do intend to run steam in the winter months due to the vast amount of vegetation close to the line, but then details will be on either website eventually. :thumb:

    Never know, I might end up as head gardener as well yet? :lollol:
  10. UJH

    UJH Gardener

    Jul 7, 2008

    Yes, it is very busy this week with it being half term and "Wizard week". We had a nice day on it last June when they did a 1940's day.

    Mikkel - Good Luck with all your plans
  11. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    your one of the forunates in life Mikkel. your managed to live your dream. of course only through sheer determination. I hope it didnt intrude on your day to day life. Like most. I'm sorry that Ill health got in your way. Life can be so cruel sometimes. But I'm sure the experience was well worth it.(thats not the ill health by the way) :thmb: 02
  12. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    I honestly Loved working on the main line and got to not only meet several celebrities (and get their autographs), but I also had the Honour to escort members of the Royal family a number of times, with the Late HRH Princess Margaret the most. I always enjoyed escorting Princess Margaret. One very nice lady.
  13. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Come on Mikkel spill the beans, who have you met and who's autographs have you got? 02
  14. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Okay, I have met with the following and all except one as passengers on trains I worked. Those with an asterisk, I obtained their autographs.

    Stephen Fry - lives not far from station where I was based and a regular passenger. :thumb:
    Liza Goddard - also lives not far from same station, also regular passenger. :thumb:
    Danni Wheeler - Ex page 3 girl - was a regular on my trains when I worked near her home station. :thumb:
    Sir Donald Sinden - hadn't realised at the time he had been knighted. :thmb:
    *Mick Jagger - A Gentleman and despite what the media have said about him. :thmb:
    Jerry Hall - She had a go at me because she failed to listen to what a colleague had told her. :dh:
    Bianca Jagger - Very quiet and well behaved at the time. :)
    Norman and Christopher Mitchell - Father & Son. until they both sadly died, they lived 2 miles from where I now live. While Norman had many roles over the years, his son Christopher played Private Perkins in 'It Ain't Arf Hot Mum' series. :thumb:
    Lester Piggott - some say he never smiles, but he did when I checked his ticket. :thumb:
    Shirley Williams MP - Very Pleasant Lady and since made a Dame :thmb:
    Kenneth Haigh MP - Miserable so & so. He didn't like it because I had been instructed to ask him NOT to enter the coach where HRH Princess Margaret was seated. :mad:
    *Albery Finney - a colleague thought he was the Footballer Tom Finney. :thumb:
    *Kazia Polka - I met Kazia when I was a passenger on the London Underground and she was then starring in Brookside, but I still got her autograph. :thmb:
    HRH Duke of Edinburgh - I had to stand outside First Class, but he did get his Escort to come and invite me to sit in with him. I rejected the offer, because I can't stand the man. :mad:
    *Billie Whitelaw :luv:
    There are a couple more I got to meet with, but can't remember their names. One has black hair and beard, sometimes Presenting 'Have I Got News For you?' and the other used to present one of the many cookery programmes and owns/owned a restaraunt in Cambridge. :cnfs:

    My meeting with Billie Whitelaw was the Very Best surprise meeting I had when on the railway. I was talking with some colleagues when Billie who was wearing dark glasses, approached Me and enquired about a train she wanted to catch. After giving her the information required, I saw she had a Very large and heavy suitcase, so offered to place it in the Guards van of the train for her. Naturally she wanted to be sure it would be taken off at the changing point I had informed her of. After assuring her it would be and because I was the Guard of the train, I placed it on board and turned to see billie right behind me, when the conversation went as this:
    Me. "Please don't think me rude Ma'm, but you are the spitting image of my favourite actress."
    Billie. "Oh! And who would that be then, young man?" (I was in my late 40's then.)
    Me. "Bille Whitelaw Ma'm. I have been a Fan of this Lady ever since I first saw her on televion back in the 1960's. I can't remember the name of the programme though." (I thought it was called 'The Power Game' but it wasn't.)
    Billie. "I have news for you. I AM Billie Whitelaw." as she removed her glasses to prove it.
    Me. "WOW!"
    My mouth literally dropped open and before long I sought Billie's autograph, which she gave me and to this day, I still have. To thank her, I offered to shake her hand and as I did so, Billie leant towards me and put her other arm around me, then Kissed my cheek. I was well Gobsmacked. :luv:
    Billie then asked me not to divulge who she was and I kept my word, until she alighted at the changing point and another couple of passengers asked if it was her. I have to admit, I denied it at first, but then showed another passenger he was right and he was made up, but envious that I had got her autograph, then became rather jealous that she had kissed me, by claiming I was born out of wedlock.

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