
Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by geoffhandley, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Got involved in a row this afternoon over dogs whilst quietly gardening, minding my own business . I drove round with the dog to my in laws where i have a veg plot,drove up the back lane into their garden and reversed up against the onion bed. Wrapped the dog's lead round the tow ball with the boot of the estate up so Poppy, the GSD, could either sit in the boot or sit on the grass while watching me. I only gave her about 5 foot of lead cause the other day she had jumped on the shallots chasing bumble bees.
    Anyway as I am working a few feet away I hear her barking a warning - a dog had previously tried to enter the garden weeks before but had backed off. I walked to the car to see what the fuss was and i see a Wehmeiamer jump on top of her. It then jumped up and ran off with the owner walking past without saying anything and a girl following says sorry.
    I am a bit annoyed cause Poppy had pulled the lead round the side of the car, it had got jammed in a gap between the light fitting and the body work, so she was stuck on about 2 foot of lead. I suppose that was why the dog attacked, cause she was stuck.
    Anyway I sort out this and just wrap the lead once round the tow ball and then this big bloke comes round down the side of my car shouting that my dog needs a muzzle. Poppy barks at him cause he is making a noise and waving his arms around
    and Poppy pulls the lead off the tow ball but jumps in the boot when I tell her. He says that she has bitten his dog. I point out that his dog ran on to our property ( Poppy was 20 feet from the gateway when she was attacked). He says that she is not secure and there is no gate there. He said he would have to take his dog to the vet so I said that was his problem not mine.
    So they go off in their 4x4. Later he comes again saying that his dog his having to have surgery. I pointed out that he was lucky that my dog did not need vet treatment as well. Later he appears with a camera and says he is reporting my dog as a dangerous animal and what if it had been a child?
    After a while a sweet old lady in her 80s comes over from the back and tells us that we are not to worry. The dog that attacked Poppy is always lose and has gone for her in the past.
    So I have been really p**@@ d off this afternoon. I go for a quiet bit of gardening with my dog, she gets attacked and I get shouted at. I am thinking what dog would not fight back if attacked? If she were off the lead on our property and got attacked would it make any difference? The fact that she defended herself does not mean she would attack a child, though we don't take any risks. its just that his dog was not under control, attacked, and Poppy is well able to defend herself and it came off worst.
    If he presents me with a bill I am inclined to tell him to shove it up his not inconsiderable arse. I have spoken to the police and they say not to worry. If my dog was on my property and his dog ran on then he hasn't a leg to stand on, aprt from the fact that mine was tied up.
    Anyway rant over... I hate stupid bullying people who shout at you when you have done nothing wrong. :mad:
  2. Hyla arborea

    Hyla arborea Gardener

    Feb 9, 2007
    My sympathies, Geoff. Leaves a really nasty taste, doesn't it? A friend of mine used to describe such people as "a boil on the a*se of society"! Just about sums it up, really. And there's so little you can actually do, which just adds to the frustration of it all....
  3. Palustris

    Palustris Total Gardener

    Oct 23, 2005
    West Midlands
    Well, if you come for a visit Geoff, as invited, you can bring your dog, BUT I cannot guarantee that our cats will not attack her.
    Makes you wonder what is happening to society don't it.
  4. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    She hates cats, might do her some good to see some that don't run. If you don't mind a feisty GSD. I always tell people to call her first and see her reaction. When she puts her ears down, which is always I know they have a friend for life.
    I do have full harnesses etc, everything short of a strait jacket!
  5. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi Geoff,

    Wot an ignorant owner he was, makes you wonder who should be eating out of a bowl on the floor - the Weimariner or him!

    As a dog trainer I constantly come up against ignorant so and so's like that guy. Wei's are renowned for being a bit hyper and if not trained properly can really get out of hand.

    I am a firm beleiver that "new" dog owners should have to have a proficiency certificate and only allowed to own certain selected breeds that are known to be stubborn or highly bred once they have researched and can can show an understanding of the breed.

    I own 2 Rotties and 2 GSD's, Arnie, George, Roman and Tory and they are great but only because they have been trained in HOW TO BEHAVE, sounds like the Wei's owner needs the same!

    Two of my dog's are used as "touch" dogs to help people with special needs at various clubs for the disabled.

    If you see that guy again, give him a peice of MY mind!

    :mad: there add my rant to yours.

  6. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Actually, you can add my rant as well.

    I grew up with German Sheps (and one Golden Retriever). I'm a firm believer that responsibility relies with the owner not the dog.

    This guy sounds like a typical NFH (Neighbour From Hell) and a real idiot. As usual I feel sorry for the dog in his care.

  7. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007

    Couldn't agree more. Bring back liscences, compulsory insurance and the guilotine for irresponsible owners :mad:

    I train more owners than dog's - true you know!

    Ignorant owners of the larger breed dog's or any size dogs' should be castrated at the same time as their male pets to improve their temperment, although i have to say that if a dog/bitch is dominant castration etc., won't make a lot of difference. But as for the owners - well it's worth a try. [​IMG]

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