Rasberries and Strawberries

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by oakdaledave, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. oakdaledave

    oakdaledave Gardener

    Jan 22, 2010
    Hi guys, me again! I have a raised bed,8 feet from the nearest wall and the height of the soil is 2ft. The bed is 8'x5'. Could I plant a raspberry cane in the centre and continue to grow my strawberries around the edge? I'm just wondering what protection and support a raspberry cane would require in this situation. As always, thanks in anticipation of your helpful replies. Dave
  2. Spotlandman

    Spotlandman Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 14, 2011
    Well, yes but you would still need support and the yield from 1 plant is not going to be very high. Any reason why you only want 1 plant ? For support a stout post about 6 foot high, with a crossbar at the top and bottom about 1 foot long so you can fasten wires to it and tie the canes to the wires for support. probably also need some bird netting or no raspberries they will eat the lot.

    I think i would plant 5 canes along one 8'edge and then use the rest for strawberries. This does ease the support as wires can be stretched between a post at each end and the canes tied to the wires. About the same amount of work for the support be it 1 cane or 5

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