re-homing any advice

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by cattwoman25, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all

    i have re-homed a staffy 9 weeks ago on tuesday she was found as a stray so we took her in

    thing is i would love to re-home another a friend for rosie and i can't get enough of them and the dog pound is over run with them

    rosie is 3-4 yrs old has anyone got any advise on this at all

    i have phoned the local dogs home who have said that we have 14 days to take the dog back if they don't get on which will really kill me to do

    but my concern is rosie i don't want her to feel she is been pushed out by bringing another home she won't have any less attention or fusses or loves ect

    plus hubbys not too kean 2 lots of poo in the garden so on so fourth bla bla bla lol

    although he has said he would like a boy :gnthb:

    do you think its too soon rosie is very settled in and in fact its as if she has always been here

    i don't want to upset what we have but would like to help another staffy out and give it a lovely life with fun and hugs and kisses ect

    also my hubby is concerned as we have 2 children one aged 4 (just turned) and one 11 and even though he trusts rosie now 100% we kept her in the conservatory at night as my little one gets up and he was afraid incase rosie would do something ! with not knowing her and said that we have to go through that again !

    which i understand i always put my children 1st but feel the need for another dog

    also my children have been bought up to respect animals not jumping on them or teasing them they just treat them with love and care

    do you think im wrong and should wait or just leave as it is ?

  2. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    My honest opinion is Wait a while yet, Let Rosie settle in a bit longer and maybe next year you could add to your dog family, Id like to Add that Dog Staffie's are a different kettle of fish :) There soft and loyal jut like a bitch, but there Bigger,harder to handle and they co*k there leg all over the place, they get aggressive when there's a bitch in heat, (could be 10 streets away lol) and imagine having to pay for treatment for 2 dogs!!!...
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    I know how pleased you must be with Rosie, CW but my opinion would be exactly the same as YDD (and she knows loads more than me), please wait.

    You have alot going on at the moment and whilst that can make you want to give more, you really have to give yourselves a little time to cope with everything.

    Hang on a while mate, you have enough to cope with just now.

  4. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006

    we had a staffy dog before when i lived at home so got some idea what to expect lol although he was 5 when we had him

    he had been a stud dog and then thrown out as he was no longer required :mad:

    thanks for your input tho think it best to wait as borrowers says got enough on at the mo but love me staffs as you know :thmb:
  5. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Staffys are known for the excellent temperament and compatibility with kids. Yes they are a powerful dog, but in truth you could say the same about any breed.

    Dogs are pack animals, and are always happiest when they have the company of their own kind. I would be you can't match the energy of a dog when it comes to play fighting or tug of war, so two of them can tire each other out while you have a cup of tea and watch them insanely larking on.

    The down side with rescue cases is that you usually have no way of knowing their background, and if they have any psychological issues, but if you have the room, the time, the skill and the patience I would say go for it.
  6. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    C W to add to the advice already given we have just adopted a rescue dog"ellie" from a responsible dog rescue center the advice given to us on rehoming a companion for ellie was to wait at least 6 months untill getting her a companion,Rosie will need this time to really settle in,if you do decide to adopt another dog go for a male as a companion they will get on better than 2 bitches,take Rosie to the center with you let them meet walk them together do this several times and gauge their reactions of course they will be spayed and neutered so there will be no problems there,don't let your heart rule your head you can be assured when ever you decide to adopt another dog there will always be plenty of needy dogs in the rescue centers.
  7. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Take a look at Cesar Millan's website and you'll get some tips about you and your husband being the pack leaders and governing dogs' behaviour.
  8. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb:Hi Catt, all my dogs, over the last nearly 30 odd yrs now have been rescue dogs & have all settled in very well & mixed with the children fine... We had a couple who were trouble when we got them but there was NO way I could take them back I was determined to win them over & I did.. Allot of hard work to start with, but worth it in the end..

    Sometimes the memories of what happened to them haunt them for a while & you can spark them off easily into remembering & you have to spend allot of time re-gaining confidences etc.......
    If it was me & as you have only had Rosie a short time I would wait a bit longer & build up your relationship with Rosie first so that she is confident with you & the children, that way she will feel confident that she will not get pushed out again when you get another.. Then say into the Spring a bit more, I would think about it again..!! Just give her a bit more time yet is my advice... Plus your husband as well if he is unsure about it all... Sounds like he needs to build up hid confidence as well.....:wink::D
    :thmb: Good Luck whatever you decide.....:)
  9. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    some really good advice there thankyou so much for taking the time

    if we still have a job we normally have the first 2 weeks off of when the kids big school holidays begin which is the beginning of july so i think if we are happy to go ahead (i am lol) we will go a weekend before to the dogs home and take rosie too to see who she gets on with

    i think if we go up on the friday when we finish work and then on saturday again and rosie seems ok we will go for it then we will have had rosie 9 months then

    she does seem to love other dogs as when we are on our walks she's dying to play with them her front goes down and her bottom comes up with her tail wagging bless her

    it would be a dog i think as i don't think she is too keen on bitches

    do you know whats really funny i have never been a doggy person and have always been into cats and have had loads we even payed £600 for 2 pure white odd eyed norweign forests 6 yrs back
    which i loved to bits

    and i hate myself but i had to find them both another home they were just too much to handle and i know what your thinking why have another dog ! but them cats were really bad the male hated my husband and jumped on him every chance he could get biting and scratching him

    him never did that to me though and was a sweety just think he hated males !

    but after we had them for 6 months they stopped going in the litter tray and going everywhere around the house 3 yrs after we had them i had my little boy and just could'nt bare the fact of my children getting up at night and walking into the mess or incase the male cat went for my son

    i tryed everything with them (tyson and stella) the vets the breeders who were'nt interested as they had had our money after a while i found out that the breeders were interbreeding them and they were just coming out stupid and thats why i was unable to re-train them

    they were also deaf so we could'nt allow them out incase they did'nt hear any traffic coming of foxes ect

    anyway in the end a lady who owns a stud farm for horses had them and she loves them to bits as and they are very happy as they can roam around outside with no harm coming to them

    i was really upset about giving them up as a pets for life i still have my other 2 which i have had for 13 yrs although rosie tryed to eat one (cafreys) so she now lives with my mum across the road

    but i have to keep rosie and beavis seperate as rosie wants to play and beavis is the most mizzy cat you would ever meet

    anyway before you all nod off as i can go on for hours lol

    i will stop now

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