Rebate on water charges and less to pay later !

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Charlie996, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Charlie996

    Charlie996 Gardener

    Jan 10, 2015
    Retired Builder
    The Vale of Evesham
    This is a sort of add on or follow up to Fat Controllers utility bills thread . But maybe worth putting it separate for clarity and less confusion.

    We all pay water bills. Out bills are made up of 3 basic components.

    1 Is the supply of the water.

    2 is the disposal of water from our taps ect plus sewage desposal

    3 Is the disposal of rainwater which falls onto our roofs drives and so on.

    For those of us who have our rainwater running to soak aways and not into the drainage systems we are paying for service we are not using.

    So its now possible to apply to our water supplier in our case Severn Trent to have this portion of the charges removed plus a rebate which is limited to I think 12 moths in respect of charges taken with no service provided or used.

    We have just gone through this fairly simple process and for a wee bit of form filling we have had a rebate of just over £200 and our bills reduced for the future.

    Many people are on surface water soak aways. The water companies have been charging for this to those who have these soak aways. So get the pens out and claim back your coin !

    There is a section in the form where you have to draw a wee picture of your property and where the drainage runs are. To some this may sound complex but old Charlie here has much experience of these things and would be willing to help if anyone feels this part it tricky.
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    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      How very kind of you @Charlie996 :thumbsup:
      I don't need it for myself, but wanted to say :ThankYou: anyway :)
    • Jiffy

      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

      Aug 25, 2011
      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
      We just pay for water that we use, we have a poo tank not mains and all our rain water goes in to ditches so we dont pay for sewage or rain water to be taken away:hapydancsmil:
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