Reduced price garden plants in Wyevale

Discussion in 'Freebies, Offers & Bargains' started by Sian in Belgium, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Sian in Belgium

    Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

    Apr 8, 2011
    Just south of Brussels
    i don't know if it is widespread, but in the Hereford Wyevale all the garden plants are currently half-price. This includes trees, the David Austin roses, perennials etc. In fact, I queried the price for a David Austin rose, and an assistant told me, and then came and found me as I was browsing, to tell me all that the garden plants were reduced. Poor man - I very nearly gave him a hug!!
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    • Sian in Belgium

      Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

      Apr 8, 2011
      Just south of Brussels
      Back from the second visit - and I had to argue about one plant, as apparently it should not have been discounted, but it was in the reduced section. I did get it at 50% off .

      In the reduced area, there are some plants reduced much more. I got one reduced from 12.99 to £3:dancy:.
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