Hello And sorry to my friends as i've not be here lately lot's of reasons won't go into yet but please remember today our "Friends", that gave so much that we today can enjoy what we love so dear to our hearts and give so much pleasure our gardens can't happiness be so simple?. LOTS OF LOVE SALLY, The Welsh Dragon.
This in a dream i did see; The skies were ablaze cries for liberty. Ha!`tis astounding the ignorance of thee. Listen, can`t you hear?. When a child is lost and it`s Mother blind, the unspeakable acts of the human kind. Falling yet fighting, on and on...... Did i stray from the path? My concience is clear. Wait. Hold on.It`s only a dream, when confusion is reason, yet the burden demeans.How exteme.
Very nice. Did you compose it or is it a war poem?? Life is not the bed of roses we like to think it is & sometimes we need reminding.
I wrote the poem after a dream i had whilst the war was in Kosova was happening.It was one of those dreams you just can`t forget and the poem was a way of trying to make sense of it.
Well done then. I love to read poetry but no talent write. Nice one Elaine. :D [ 14. November 2005, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]