Replacement 'pocket' camera

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by Scrungee, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    Dropped my pocket camera (Canon Ixus I got for around £100 but over £150 to replace) down some steps on my holiday and bust it, and what made it worse was leaving the Powershot G9 at home.

    So used mobile broadband to check for replacements and found Tesco Direct were doing £20 off cameras over £100, so started looking for something over £120 (as cheaper than one for £100) found Panasonic Lumix TZ8 for £149.97 which was about £20 cheaper than anywhere else, even without the further £20 off.

    Checked a few reviews, price comparison sites, plus spare battery costs as I knew they were an issue because of chipping so clones may not work, plus those that did only held a fraction of the charge of geniune spares, and found the cost way only about half what it used to be.

    So, sitting on a narrowboat in Brecon I made the snap decision to go for it, and purchase via Quidco to get 3% cashback that would almost cancel out the £5 delivery charge (no collect from store on this one), so I got it for approx £130 delivered, and I'm glad I didn't dither or wait until I got home as that £20 off code now seems to have disappeared.

    So can any one who's got a TZ8 tell me if I did the right thing?
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    • miraflores

      miraflores Total Gardener

      Apr 16, 2006
      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
      I once had a credit card size MUSTEK which my deep regret I don't find any more to purchase, and it was giving an incredible performance considering the small size and not elevated number of pixels.
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      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        I've got the TZ10 that Mr Kandy bought me last year and he has the TZ9 that i got him this year and we are both pleased with them.The only diffreence with them is that mine has a GPS addition and also does HD video recording on it whereas Mr Kandy's hasn't:D

        We are both very pleased with the quality of photos that both cameras take and the beauty of them is that they have nice large screens and can fit into a fleece pocket quiet easily.There is also now out the TZ20 but don't know what they are like.

        I think you have made a good choice and sounds like you have got it at a bargain price.Hope you have many happy hours of use with it :)
        • Like Like x 1
        • Scrungee

          Scrungee Well known for it

          Dec 5, 2010
          Central England on heavy clay soil
          I've been watching all of these for some time, from since they were a bargain if around £180, until £149.99 was supposed to be a bargain a few weeks ago, and have kept waiting for the price to be affordable for one of us to have as their 'point and shoot' and seem to have been online checking at just the right time as now, as well as the £20 off no longer applying, they are out of stock.

          It's always tempting to pay just that little bit more (and more) for something extra, but I think I've already done that by getting this one. That GPS on the later models is supposed to eat batteries unless de-activated every time the camera is turned on, and the TZ8 is supposed to be almost as good as your TZ9 which was used to take this pic:


          So good enough for moon planting pics!
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