Replacing an old lawn with turf

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by Garden Apprentice, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. Garden Apprentice

    Garden Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 19, 2006
    I am in the process of replacing my tired old front lawn. I plan to use turf rather than seed. The soil is poor underneath, the site sloping and south facing (so gets very hot and dry especialy in summer).

    I have dug the ground, raked and firmed it down. I now need to get it nice and level across the slope (cant flaten the slope completely) I need some tips as to how best to get the ground level ready for turfing, please.

    I also need a few recomendations as to turf suppliers. i intend to order onlne and get it delivered. I am also on a budget, but require a good drought resistant turf. Any ideas I have done a search and know some names but any recomendations from you would be helpfull. Thanks.
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    If you want a dead flat lawn (as opposed to dead level) then use boards and pegs in the ground to set the soil level then rake and move the soil accordingly. If you want gentle curves and sweeps that won't interfere with mowing you can do the major work by eye then go over the gound with a piece of heavy duty 2" wire steel mesh or a proper drag.

    For suppliers I would go to a local turf grower and discuss what type of turf you need and get it delivered fresh or collect it yourself after they harvest it. Most garden centre turf is rubbish.
  3. jazid

    jazid Gardener

    May 24, 2006
    Sounds like a bit of soil improvement at this stage wouldn't go amiss either. Does the budget stretch to organic matter, and pre-turf fertilizers? Without a bit of help the new lawn might go the way of the old one...
  4. LCH

    LCH Gardener

    Feb 7, 2006

    I have recently re-turfed my lawn too, it is also south facing, the soil was ok, just needed a good go over with a rotivator and a bit of fertiliser mixed in there too!

    I ordered my turf from a local company, I would definitely recommend this as it was cheaper and the best quality I have seen, it looked like a lush green carpet perfectly rolled and taken care of during transit. I think ours was called "regal" turf.

    Make sure that you order enough, work on about 5% extra than you need as it will be needed for extra bits at the end, but the supplier can help you with this. Good luck with the levelling, make sure you are completely happy with it before you start laying turf as there is not much going back once you have laid it! We just had to use a spirit level on top of a plank of wood and kept moving it round the garden.

    My new lawn has now survived the summer and the hosepipe ban and is still looking green so I hope yours does too once it is laid!
  5. Rodney

    Rodney Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 15, 2007
    Hi Garden Cadet, Drought Resistant turf is now been offered by some growers. I believe this is only offered as a rye free turf so if you are after a hard wearing surface it would be a good idea to use water retaining crystals and another turf. Hope this helps

    [ 19. January 2007, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]

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