Replacing pea shingle with turf advice

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by mspotty, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. mspotty

    mspotty Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 24, 2010
    Hi, very beginner gardener here:) I want to replace my front garden which is currently covered in pea shingle. Can someone give me some advice on preparing the area for turf please.
    I was planning to remove all shingle, remove weed contol sheet, rotovating and laying turf, simple?. Some questions:
    Once I remove the weed control membrane there are stones underneath in the soil, do I need to remove all of these before rotovating or can some stones be left?.
    Should I put weedkiller down for some time before laying turf, if so what would you recommend and how long before laying turf?

    I can find plenty of advice for laying turf but not too much about preparation of a shingled area. Any other advice greatly appreciated:gnthb:
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi mspotty

    In order to grow well, turf needs about 150 - 200mm of reasonable soil below it. It'll grow in less depth but will brown off in the summer much quicker.

    Remove as many stones (about the size of a walnut and bigger) as you can. Trying to remove every last one is pointless because others will work their way to the surface over time. You just need to get rid of the worst stony or gravel patches to give your grass a chance.

    I wouldn't use any weed killer at all before laying turf. It shouldn't be necessary if you've done plenty of
    soil preparation.

    BTW, now is not a good time to lay a new lawn if you can avoid it. Too hot, too dry. I'd leave it till early autumn if you can.

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