Reseeded bare patches - now they look different!

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by hannahm2010, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. hannahm2010

    hannahm2010 Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 25, 2010
    I reseeded some bare patches in the lawn, however the new seed has taken well but is really different to the original grass surrounding it. The new grass grows at 10 times the speed. The original grass is very very slow growing, I would describe it as looking like clover leaves its not lovely grass that looks like turf when you put it down.

    I don't think I can find seed to match the original, is it best to dig the new stuff out and hope the original slowly spreads again. (There were bare patches where I dug large weeds up and where we had bulk bags of gravel which killed some of the grass)!
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi Hannah

    You could just wait until next season to see how the different grasses merge with each other over time.

    But if the new patches look really out of place and are bothering you, I'd advise digging them out and replacing them with turf (assuming the patches aren't huge). A roll of turf is actually quite cheap from a garden centre and if you keep it well watered, will establish quickly. You could wait until early autumn if it's very hot and dry in your part of the world.

    Sometimes we just have to admit that our first atttempt to solve a problem doesn't work out.

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