Ripe tomatoes

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by colincwb, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. colincwb

    colincwb Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2010
    [align=left]Hi there
    My question is I have 3 types of tomatoes growing

    Gardeners delight
    Mini Bell

    My problem is there are still not ripe, and the cold is starting to set in so would I be able to cut them off and ripen indoors.

    What is the best wae to do this ?

    Thanks again

  2. Freedom_Spark

    Freedom_Spark Gardener

    Jul 16, 2009
    I'm still a bit of a beginner & I'm sure more experienced gardeners will be able to confirm this, but I think tomatoes can ripen up until late September/ early October, so I wouldn't rush into anything. Mine (some of which are gardeners delight) were extremely slow at ripening & I still have many green fruits. I put in plenty of banana skins in the pots & on the plants' supports & they've really started to ripen, this week especially!

    Here was a plant a couple of weeks ago, with a slight colour on one fruit, whcih was just the first one to ripen.


    And this evening I went to feed them & there all at it, yours could potentially ripen in a short space of time.



    So I'd give them another while if I were you. Good Luck!
  3. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    There's no rush at all Colin.
    We've loads of Gardeners delight outside and they are ripening every day and will continue to do so for at least another six to eight weeks. I'll not clear the plants until we start getting frost and then I'll store the green ones in boxes in the house and let them ripen.
    With my greenhouse crop I usually wait until growth has ceased then uproot them and hang them upside down to ripen in the greenhouse. I've often been able to pick a few 'fresh' toms for Christmas lunch by doing this.
    We've also got some plants in a polytunnel and these will be picked and brought indoors to ripen when growth stops and before the tunnel starts to get damp.
  4. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    I understand from some of the more experienced growers on this forum that this year has been an unusually slow one for getting tomatoes ripened! Mine have only really got going in the last couple of weeks. Someone (I think it may have been Pete) mentioned that it's best not to be too quick to pick any toms which are ripening, as they tend to help the others do the same.
  5. colincwb

    colincwb Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2010
    Hey guys thanks very much for your info. Was starting to panic as just a rough count I've got about 300 toms maybe more but my mind is now at rest lol the joys of being a newbie :) I shall be hanging on too see the change of colours
  6. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Colin,

    Since I last linked this video, i've tried it myself & it works,

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- How to Grow Tomatoes : How to Ripen Green Tomatoes[/nomedia]

    Just remember where you put them :o
  7. djrock

    djrock Gardener

    Oct 11, 2008
    When one or two start to change the rest follow. What I have been doing is keeping a red one on until another starts changing to take over the red one. As mention in another thread be careful with bananas since you can end up with too many ripe tomatoes at once. I thought I was going to need to do the banana trick but once one started the rest followed.

    Keep an eye out for the trusses kinking I have had a few do that and had to support them.

    Don’t know if it’s the weather, the plants, growing them in pots or letting them have 5 trusses but have had a really really good crop this year (309). Still more on the way. :gnthb:

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