Robot lawnmower

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by chris_elevate, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. chris_elevate

    chris_elevate Gardener

    Sep 21, 2014

    Now I’ve got a little boy and lots of other things to keep me busy I’m considering investing in a robot lawnmower. I like the idea of it continually cutting and mulching/feeding the grass itself to keep it in the best condition.

    If I go ahead and purchase one I’d like to make sure that it does as much as possible itself and leave as little amount as possible left for me to do.

    I have 3 main issue I need to resolve...

    1. What advice would you have for my back lawn? It has sleepers around the edge. For it to cut up to the sleepers has anyone considered putting some edging or block paving/similar in for the mower to run over. Doing this would stop the need for strimming surely?

    2. For the front lawn I have borders with a step down to them. Again, are there any suggestions of how I can get the robot to cut up to the edge? Or it it best continuing to strim the edges etc?

    3. My final problem is that these two lawns are front and back. There’s a possibility that I can try to connect them via a path at the side of the house but that could be tricky. Has anyone bought an additional charging base etc to get around this issue?

    Looking forward to discussing any options that anyone can suggest or people that have solved these issues themselves.

    I’ve attached photos to help illustrate.


    Attached Files:


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