Rose plant

Discussion in 'Roses' started by SarahGoodie, May 23, 2010.

  1. SarahGoodie

    SarahGoodie Apprentice Gardener

    May 23, 2010
    Hi - I am a total beginner at gardening so please help. I was given a small cutting from some kind of rose bush/plant?*!? Not sure what it was but it has prickly stalks and tiny leaves on it. I have it in a pot on the patio and keep watering it & feeding it about twice a month but not a lot seems to be happening. I have put a cane in and attached it as it seemed to be bending over and I think that has helped it grow a bit - it is definately taller than when I was given it - about a year ago. But I'm wondering how fast it should be growing. There are no flowers or buds on it that I can see. :cnfs:

    Thanks very much
  2. SarahGoodie

    SarahGoodie Apprentice Gardener

    May 23, 2010
    Here are some photos of the plant in case it helps

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