Rose Replant Disease

Discussion in 'Roses' started by wiseowl, Mar 4, 2023.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    In a barn somewhere in North Kent
    Some gardeners have used a cardboard box with the bottom removed to line the hole; by the time the cardboard rots away, the plant has established,problems with tired soil? Trying to plant a rose where one has been in the last 2 years? You could suffer from rose replant disease and the rose could die or not perform well. To avoid rose replant disease simply sink a Cardboard box into the ground, fill with good virgin soil or compost and plant your new rose inside the box at normal planting depth. ;):smile:

    Flat size: 50.5cm x 33.5cm. Onced assembled forms a 33.5cm³ box.

    What is replant disease?

    Replant disease is a recognised but poorly understood problem. It occurs when a plant is replaced with the same type. For most plants this does not cause a problem. However, for others, most notably roses and some others in the rose family, the new plant fails to thrive or put on decent growth. The roots of the previous plant need only to have been in the soil for a few months for the problem to occur.

    New plantings may struggle to establish, make poor growth and may even die. This is most noticeable when a plant growing in affected soil is compared with one planted at the same time in unaffected or sterilized soilRoots will grow poorly and fine roots may be rotten
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