Salad crop

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by oldwinegum, May 31, 2007.

  1. oldwinegum

    oldwinegum Gardener

    Nov 23, 2006
    I am fired with the zeel of the newly converted!!!.
    For the first time I have grown salad leaves instead of lettice. I have grown:-
    Wild Rocket,
    Cultivated Rocket,
    Italian lettice leaves, Green and Red.
    Mustard leaves,
    Baby Spinich,
    I honestly feel that I will never grow another lettice as they have been bril. and so quick to come again.
    I would welcome opinions from the forum as I do feel that one is being ripped off with seed prices. Also as a total novice any advice on methods, variaty ect.
    While in France lunch included a small selection of leaves and included some leaves which were about an inch long and comprised the whole plant (with about 6/7 leaves) compleate with root which was clean and white and looked as if it had been grown hydroponicaly. Any ideas as I am sure that could be interesting.I wondered if it could be land cress.
    Sorry to rabbit on, always the problem with the new converts.
  2. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi OWG, I grow salad leaves as I like the different coloured leaves and tastes, and that they keep going for a long time. However, they will eventually run to seed so sow some more now to take over.
    I also grow Little Gem lettuce thickly and eat the thinnings when 3 or 4 leaves have formed. What you had in France may be what is known as micro-leaves, very young plants of things like lettuce, spinach, beets, rocket etc., now very trendy in up-market restaurants.
  3. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    ....yes, i was thinking of the Cos variety as they are more compact.Maybe a young Paris White?I love little gem Blackthorn.
    I have tried the salad leaves and chives this yr in some pots on the kitchen windowsill(freebies)I think maybe i got a dud packet as it`s felt like trying to get blood from a stone.So far i`ve picked a few leaves and cut a clump once.Can i expect more?
  4. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi elainefiz, just keep them well watered in good light and leave them a day or two to recover and they should produce more leaves. [​IMG]

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