Salmon and vodka pasta.

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by sal73, May 2, 2012.

  1. sal73

    sal73 Total Gardener

    Sep 4, 2011
    300 gr of de cecco pasta (penne , linguine or pappardelle)
    500 gr of smoked salmon
    500 gr of double cream
    1 spoon of butter
    1 shot of vodka
    1 white onion
    frsh fennel
    caviar (not a must)

    boil water for pasta , when the water is boiling put the pasta and salt , keep stear untill aldente

    chop the onion very fin , grate the fennel and chop some chives.
    chop half of the smoked salmon (must be smoked salmon)
    low heat , 1 spoon of butter , then put the onion , fennel and chives fry gently for 2 minutes then put the salmon for one more minutes , the put the vodka (1 shot no more) untill evaporete ......then put the double cream and gently stear , get the passata and gently put little bit at the time untill the cream will become salmon pink and cook for few more minute.

    drain the pasta and put it in the sauce , (the pasta in the sauce and never the sauce on the pasta , only fake italian will serve that way) , stear for 50 second with the rest on the chopped salmon , put in the plates and garnish with caviar a salmon rose and few chives.
    this is a salmon rose ; )
    enjoy .

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