sam the scarecrow

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by weekend gardener, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    I'm afraid my computer is playing up tonight so can't get a description on the other way so have to do it seperate.

    This is sam the scarecrow which i copied from a book, when i'm in the garden i think someone is looking at me, the flowers which came out later were poppies and some tall yellow flowers and other ones i can't remember but it all looked very pretty. The stream is of blue glass.

    The grass looked very bald then so i sowed grass seed and put sand on top so the birds couldn't get at it.
    Behind the bamboo wall are containers which i hope will bear fruit next year.
    There are solar lights in between the plants which at night make the garden look like fairy land.

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