A friend has told me about a free software programme that you can download called sandboxie. He says that once you have it on your computer it can be used to ring fence your internet browsing. Apparently, you access your browser from within the programme and it will not allow anything out of its box without permission from you. When you have finished browsing you can then delete everything (cookies, temp internet files etc) if you wish. It is supposed to protect your computer from outside access and viruses. Has anyone used it or heard of it? Thanks :thumb:
No, shiney, I've not heard of it but to be honest I haven't been reading my mags or watching things on tv etc (pc based I mean ) for a while now, so is it a new thing? Assume it would be like zonealarm etc? Let us know if you find out. cheers
I don't think it is like ZoneAlarm because Zone Alarm decides (according to your settings) on whether to allow a download or not. The way I understand Sandboxie is supposed to work is that you download inside Sandboxie and it won't let anything out to the rest of your computer - and you can then wipe it from within Sandboxie. I'm not very good with computers so don't really know
This is the site for it. http://www.sandboxie.com/ Looks like you have to buy it! We use a Free prog called WinPatrol Plus. This stops any program from altering you Computer without you permision.
I use Ubuntu/Linux, this works the opposite way. Nothing can be done to the system unless the password is given to do it. Only the administrator can alter the system (with the password).