Scaduxus multiflorus

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by paulyervant, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. paulyervant

    paulyervant Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2010
    I received my Scaduxus multiflorus bulbs this morning. They didn't come with many instructions. I was wondering how deep to plant and even if they are ok to be planted out now.

    Many Thanks in advance.

  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi Paul not come across these before, what a super looking plant.. I did find this if it is any help..

    Bulb : Scadoxus multiflorus



    Ideal For: Border, Conservatory, Containers, Greenhouse, Patio
    Flowers: May, June, July
    This tropical beauty really has the wow factor! An unusual bulb, the Fireball Lily or Blood Lily, produces huge spherical flower heads up to 15cm (6â?) across, made up of hundreds of tiny starry blooms of fiery red. The amazing flower heads are followed by a flurry of small orange red berries. Simply astounding in summer patio containers, or grow them indoors in a warm greenhouse or conservatory. Height: 60cm (30â?). Supplied as 14/16cm bulbs.

    How to Grow
    Scadoxus multiflorus

    Plant Scadoxus bulbs in winter or spring. Plant bulbs with their necks at soil level, in pots of well drained loam based compost, such as John Innes No. 2.Grow in a brightly lit position, in a warm greenhouse or conservatory, with protection from strong sunlight.The fireball lily is frost tender and requires a minimum temperature of 10°C (50°F).AftercareThroughout the growing season, water Scadoxus multiflorus bulbs regularly, and feed monthly.In early summer, containers can be moved outside to a semi shaded spot or carefully planted out into sheltered borders.Reduce watering as the leaves begin to die back in autumn and remove dead foliage.Lift and repot bulbs that were planted out for the summer and move containers to a warm, bright position for winter.
    Caution: Toxic if eaten
  3. longk

    longk Total Gardener

    Nov 24, 2011
    I think that the original poster may have gone, but for what it's worth here's how I grew mine;

    Best grown under cover in the UK. Potting mix was multi-purpose with plenty of grit, orchid bark and perlite to keep it airy - the bulbs are vulnerable to rot. After planting it will sit there for a month or three doing nothing, so I watered by popping it in a bucket of water once every couple of weeks. Finally it springs into life and after a week you get this.............


    The blooms last a week or so. At this point water in the same manner but more regularly until the foliage dies back. I withdrew water a few weeks ago and chopped the foliage off on Saturday. They're now in the loft until March, when I'll lift them and refresh the medium and start again.
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