I have noticed recently whilst searching for an old topic that the search will come up with a lot of results but when you click on them the answer is 'You are searching for a topic which does not exist'. Is this because of the rearrangement of topics? :confused:
Liz, It is where new categories have been made ie Trees . Where the original post was in General gardening discussion and the new section created, and been moved to Trees. Try searching a specific topic area, if for a tree, search in trees. Hope this helps for now, as I am looking into this and am waiting for a response from the board programmers. Nathan.
I got the same when searching for a named roses topic - but got round it by going to the new section, having noted the topic heading, then changing the number of days bit - and that brought up all the topics.
When searching it said e.g. - searching for the first 100 ... and then ...and .. and kept going - I didn't know what to click on to look at any page. Probably me :rolleyes:
jjordie, it does eventually stop and gives you a list of all the topics! Fran that's true, they are accessible if you know where the post was, but it'sannoying if you vaguely remember! Hopefully Nathan can sort it!
It's very good at finding things but it seems to take a long time, is there a way of stopping it when it has found some, must it go on until it has found several hundred? I thought it was just me, but judging by the posts above I am now wondering!
I don't know how to stop it in midflow other than starting again with restrictions on dates or topics.
DAG, If you think that a certain Topic should be found in (for example) 'Edible', try searching there first on its own. Remember, by searching the whole site, it is doing a big search, also, try restricting the search to 'Titles only' and not 'Entire thread'. I did a 'how to' on using the search facility, which can be found HERE Hope this helps. Nathan.
Thanks Nathan, I have been doing that generally, but when you can't remember what section it was in (as sometimes it was off-topic on a particular thread or whatever, you can limit the time, still can't remember title, and once it starts even though its found say 20, you can't stop it to have a look. Since there is usually a 'stop' button, is there a technical reason for not having one here? Thanks again
The technical reason is probably that they did not include that into the programming of the Forum software, or forgot to . :D Nathan. PS. searches should be working perfectly now, as the board has been re-indexed .
Thanks Nathan, have tried the 'search' and it works perfectly! I see your posting is timed 01.23 - did it take nearly 2 hours? (just interested )
No it took 10 Minutes :D I posted in the early hours before going to bed ..... Watched 'Distinguished Gentleman' last night on TV Nathan.