The surface of my pond is covered in what look like some kind of seed,could they possibly be from the water lillies? there is nothing near by that produces 'seeds' of this kind that may have dropped or blown in as far as i'm aware
I've just googled water lily seeds and they look the same as in your photo. Are you going to try germinating some?
Had a google around and it`s possible, found this site That`s if you wanted to try to grow them on.
I've looked in my pond, Lolimac, and I don't have any. :( :( You lucky, lucky person. If you've too many, post 'em to me and I'll throw them into my pond. (I let nature do all the hard work!)
I'll have a look in the morning and see if there's any left Kindred I looked up about propagating them,there's some technical ways but I chose the easy option... just put them in moist soil then sat the pot in a bucket of water and put them on the window sill ...12 days on and there's signs of life Sorry for the really bad pic...If I don't find any more seeds they'll be lots of Lillies heading your way if they're any good to you