Picking up on an idea of Pete2255 regarding sheds. What's yours like?...Open the door and take a pic,NO TIDYING UP FIRST!! :rolleyes:
I can't, i'm using it to store furniture in at the moment, so can't even get in there! Well, anyway that's my excuse! :D :D
I like the idea of hanging saws from the ceiling - very decorative. You seem to cram lots of tools and other stuff into your sheds - I have two sheds one is exclusively garden stuff the second has garden machinery and the garage is full of tools and bikes. There's no room for our cars. They live on the drive. Oh I nearly forgot the summer house which is used for a store for the garden furniture, barbecue and gazebo. I think we need a bigger house and there's only two of us living here now.
All empty boxes Paladin, .......I'm a collector, With some people its matchboxes, with me its screw boxes :D Well lets have a pic then petal. :D
Was just thinking you had a lot of stuff for the gun thingy, Nick!! So it's silicone!! I presume you use that for sealing in glass in conservatories, etc?? DaveW - what's that in the bucket to the left of the well-intentioned vaccuum cleaner? Fascinating stuff this! Pity I can't post pics at the moment! Garage is full of Aunt's furniture, as wel as all the usual stuff. Cars?? No way! [ 16. April 2006, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
The stuff in the bucket Dendi' is a bunch of wood offcuts made when lining shed number 3. Shed No. 3 is my son's deluxe shed for his guitar making and when HE FINALLY GETS IT FINISHED I'll be able to get a pile of his machinery out of mine and have space to work in it again! And yes Pete. I have many, many tins!! Mrs W thinks your shed looks quite tidy BTW :rolleyes: But she does have a visual impairment, so don't panic! [ 16. April 2006, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Dave W ]
Got to say lads ,I haven't got power in mine :( Suppose that should be my next project. But I've one heck of an extension cable! :D
Oh you boys and your extension cables - I am sure they are not all as long as you suggest. I have power in my pottin shed, not that my husband will allow me to put a heater on to help all my tender plante survive!