Shrewsbury Flower Show

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by geoffhandley, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Looks like I am going to the flower show this year ....but on one of the stands. A charity asked for help to build their stand and man it during the show.They have a garden centre designing it and providing the plants. I think they just want people to lug plants, peat etc around and then during the show they are going to have a rota of volunteers to man the stand, who were keen gardeners.
    I am quite chuffed. I always wanted to know what it is like setting up one of the stands. I will also be given time off to tootle round the show as well. When I did the plant stall for Country Markets at the West Mid I got a bit frustrated and me and one of the other helpers started redesigning the sales table to give more visual impact and make it easier for the customers. It worked as well cause we started to sell more.
    I am quite looking forward to seeing how the professionals do it. They have suggested that i go in when they start the very first building and also when the bloke is putting the finishing touches.
  2. kryssy

    kryssy Gardener

    Jun 15, 2007
    That sounds like a grand day to come Geoff. Can't come along myself - geography - but I hope you have a fabulous day and the sun shines.

    Don't have anything like that here I'm afraid. Someone should come over and educate the french - what you doing next week ????
  3. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Geoff - I envy you. Getting involved in new things is always a good way of learning. You will see it from the other side as well. Lets hope the rain keeps off.
  4. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Sounds good Geoff I am sure you will enjoy it,hope the weather dries up for you.
  5. Larburnum

    Larburnum Gardener

    Aug 7, 2005
    We travel from Scotland every year to Shrewsbury Show and stay for two nights. It is held in the most beautiful setting in the Quarry Park surrounded by The Dingle and except for one year the weather has always been scorching hot. The twelve hour arena entertainment is first class and the floodlit show in the evening of massed bands and firework display is always a perfect end to a wonderful day.
  6. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Well I have been picked to help. I am off early tomorrow to start the build and then Tuesday if anymore work is needed.
    It seems to be just me and the designer on Thursday to put the plants in. Somebody rang up the other day. They wanted some information on me. I am helping to man the stand on Friday, the first day of the show and they wanted something about me in order to introduce me to the patron when she comes round with the president of the show.
    So an interesting week i think.
  7. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Well i did it. I went off on Monday and helped with the PDSA outdoor garden, it is a pet friendly garden. When I got there it was a 15 foot by 10 foot box filled with sand. The designer had marked out a bone shape which me and another volunteer, Wendy, dug out. Erected screening around 3 sides, put log roll round the bone shape, cause that it is to be gravelled and went home.
    Nothing to do on Tuesday or Wednesday which made PDSA head office panic a bit cause all the other gardens were being worked on. Arrived back at the "sand pit" Thursday. Patio inserted, willow edging tacked to log roll, gravel lugged in, water feature installed, followed by Kevin, the designer, arguing with electricians cause they had not put in enough electric sockets. Kevin starts placing plants and the two of us run round getting what he wants. Two hour wait cause we have run out of plants and someone has to go off and get more from nursery that is sponsoring the garden.
    This is picture of finished garden.

    When we arrived this morning we got one of these from the judges. It was a gold medal so they were all dead chuffed.
    People from head office arrive, in suits, nice frocks and big hats. I ask posh sounding lady what she does in the PDSA. " I am the chief executive"......right, but she was very nice. [​IMG]
    We are all lined up with Kevin, the designer at the end preceded by me and Wendy, his manual helpers, flurry of activity and HRH Princess Alexandria comes round shaking our hands. Not only is she president of the flower show but she is also royal patron of the PDSA.
    Showtime over, big wigs disappear and we can now relax to our gazebo. Spend rest of day giving out brochures and talking to visitors about the plants and garden. Knackered and my feet hurt but have agreed to come in tomorrow as well. They will be selling off at the end, that will be fun. I think Kevin was quite impressed with spiel I was giving and he works in a garden centre.
    So have had quite an interesting week. It was good fun, some hard work. They were nice people and there was a good spirit amongst those setting up with tools being borrowed and lent and help being given to other groups. Certainly think I would do it again.
  8. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Well done to you all Geoff sounds like you have really enjoyed your experience,good luck at the sell off.

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