Sick "sports"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by tiggs&oscar, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Tell me I'm not alone in thinking this is sick. If you click on the link at the end you can see a picture of the little b******d posing with his kill.

    Monster pig killed in Alabama
    26th May 2007, 10:45 WST

    Jamison Stone, 11, poses with the monster pig he killed in Alabama

    An 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 476kg and measured 2.74 metres, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail.

    Think hams as big as car tyres.

    If the claims are accurate, Jamison Stone�s trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.

    Hogzilla originally was thought to weigh 453.6kg and measure 3.6 metres long. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 362.8 kilograms and was 2.4 metres long.

    Regardless of the comparison, Jamison is revelling in the attention over his pig.

    ââ?¬Å?It feels really good,ââ?¬Â Jamison said in a telephone interview. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s a good accomplishment. I probably wonââ?¬â?¢t ever kill anything else that big.ââ?¬Â

    Jamison, who killed his first deer at age five, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3.

    He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-calibre revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot.

    Through it all, there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation for doing.

    ââ?¬Å?I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited,ââ?¬Â said Jamison.

    His father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast, with 12cm tusks, decided to charge.

    Trees had to be cut down and a backhoe brought in to bring Jamison�s prize out of the woods.

    It was hauled on a truck to the Clay County Farmers Exchange, where Jeff Kinder said they used his scale, recently calibrated, to weigh the hog.

    Mike Stone said the scale balanced one notch past the 476kg mark.

    ââ?¬Å?It probably weighed 1060 pounds. We were just afraid to change it once the story was out,ââ?¬Â he said.

    The hog�s head is being mounted by Jerry Cunningham of Jerry�s Taxidermy. Cunningham said the animal measured 137.16cm around the head, 187.9cm around the shoulders and 27.9cm from the eyes to the end of its snout.

    ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s huge,ââ?¬Â he said. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s just the biggest thing Iââ?¬â?¢ve ever seen.ââ?¬Â

    Mike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. ââ?¬Å?Weââ?¬â?¢ll probably get 500 to 700 pounds (317.5kg),ââ?¬Â he said.

    Jamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in The Legend of Hogzilla, a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia.

    Your Say Have your say
  2. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    Seems a shame they have to kill it ..... Think about the possible size it's offspring could have been !!!! :eek:

    The problem is, in the USA, it is a gun culture, and 'their right to bear arms' .
    I don't like the mindless killing of animals for trophies, but if it is going to be used for food, it is a different matter ..... The only real bad thing is that the animal was not killed outright, and was chased for 3 hours , the ones with the rifles SHOULD have finished the boar off earlier, to be more humane.

    Just my 2 cents worth ;)
  3. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Had the pig been a menace and attacked people and livestock then I could understand the need to track and trap the animal but to chase it for three hours,probably injured and in pain for the duration,then to let a child finish it off with a pistol in the name of sport is absolutely disgusting!

    As Webmaster said
    Charlton Heston stood at a pro arms rally waving his rifle above his head and said that the anti-guns people could take his gun "Over my dead body". In a country where role models express their right to arm themselves and people are shot and killed daily, what chance does an animal have?????
  4. newbiegrower

    newbiegrower Gardener

    Apr 20, 2007
    to kill this animal for sport after chasing it for 3 hours is completely wrong though I suppose in country where having guns is their right it isn't really surprising.
  5. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I think the whole episode stinks, but I dont think we can be high and mighty about it saying its the American gun culture.
    I think the rich, (and some poor) do very similar things in this country, killing for sport is daft, and anyone that does it, in my book, is a moron. The actual size of the animal is of no consiquence.
    To actually take photos of the trophy is even worse.
    Reminds me of the "Great white hunters" in india and Africa
    I can think of a good few humans that I'd like to shoot.
  6. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007

    You are right, the same hunting of animals goes on here, legal and illegal and I'm strongly opposed to killing for "sport".

    What really got me about that story was the way in which the hunt was conducted and that a child was so pleased with killing a living creature.

    Also, sadly, the great white hunters can still find places to indulge themselves in Africa.


  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    i often think i belong to another species of human being when i read things like that - well either i do or they do, there has to be soemthing missing in these people!
    sick i agree - dont even get me started on bull'fighting' either!!
  8. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I think that like so many stories its difficult to get the whole truth. There was a link yesterday (now gone) to the right of the picture to another story saying that it wasn't a wild animal at all and had been raised on a farm. It had been sold just 4 days before it was killed to the new owners, who kept it in a large enclosure. And that the new owners had made the decision to kill it as it was too big and a danger/nuisance.

    It may well be that the story we saw was the imagination of a journalist. Who knows?
  9. Johnny

    Johnny Gardener

    Jan 8, 2007
    I'm more worried that the father son bond is built on killing, not sure what this teaches the child but I sure wouldn't want my kids going to school with him :confused: In one article they said they shot the animal to protect the forest but then it goes on to say
    Want does man do with unique creatures /plants / customs - DESTROYS - it's what we are good at!!

    United Nations - Biodiversity and Development
  10. Jack by the hedge

    Jack by the hedge Gardener

    Jun 20, 2006
    Hunting for sport is a despicable pastime.
    Of course, most of the people who are able to go away on these bloodlust outings must have plenty of money to do so. One thinks of those big game safaris where the wealthy are able to "hunt" and kill some poor beast which has no chance at all of escape as the whole business is just a charade to pander to some wealthy inadequate's vanity.
  11. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    You do worry about the effect on the child. They say that giving a child a pet tends to give it a sense of responsibility, to realise that other creatures and people have feelings as well. It helps children to grow up to become well adjusted people who have good social relationships.
    To get a child to be desensitised to other creatures, to see them as just objects, or trophies? The mind boggles as to what sort of adult he might turn out like.
    Unfortunately there are many people who think like that, that animals can be made to suffer for our benefit, that we have a god given right to do that. It does seem that there is more of it going on in America, because basically a lot of people there have guns and go hunting. So they set up traps and then shoot black bears and every year the forests echo with gunfire. It is the thing that my American correspondents complain about most. I am sure it would happen here, but fortunately most Brits would not know how to load a gun never mind fire one.
  12. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I think the main reason hunting in the UK doesn't happen on the same scale as it does in the US is because our ancestors have already wiped out most of the wild beasts, by hunting them.
    Couple that, with the fact that nearly every square foot of the UK is either concreted over or farmed or "managed"(I hate that word), and that doesn't really leave a lot.
    But you can bet your life if we had a population of bears or wolves, some prat would be out there with a gun trying to kill them.
  13. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Yep, I can imagine the moron who would be delighted to kill the first wolf in Scotland if they were reintroduced.

    I've never understood the mentality of people who kill for fun particularly when the heads are then mounted as a display.

  14. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    i must say it is nice to see that 'gardening type folk' and 'animal type folk' seem to be one and the same type of folk [​IMG]
  15. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    well done mgn
    what a lot in a month
    cant wait untill september,good for you [​IMG]

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