We don't see this little chap here very often. It is supposed to winter somewhere around the mediterranean but it is obviously mild enough for it to have travelled farther north at this time of year I think this is a male, rather more yellow than on the female
Hi there Whis4ey Whilst Mrs Pip and I were walking along the canal yesterday we saw five of them together,becoming a regular visitor round these parts.
Hi Wis4ey,lovely photo of the Siskin{Carduelis spinus}Your photo is of a female,the Males have more yellow on them with a a distinctive patch of black on the head.As with most wild birds,though not all,the Males are the prettier coloured ones to help them attract the females and because the females sit on the eggs,then their colour is usually drab so that they can blend in to the foliage while sitting on the nest.Brilliant photo though
Thanks Kandy ... I must see if I can catch a shot of a male to distinguish the difference This birding is certainly educational if nothing else
Lovely picture whis4ey! We too have siskins - that is definitely a female - we have a lot more females than males - but you definitely know the male when you see it! A few very frosty days ago, we had five siskins and no fewer than 8 goldfinches at the feeders!!! Would love to see pic of the male if you can get one - our feeders are too far away for me to get a decent pic!
Interesting viewpoints, but I am now assured that it is, in fact, a young male with the black 'cap' just beginning to appear I will have to keep a close eye out now to spy another 'male' and 'female' to be sure I am still learning
OK ... I have just looked up my bird books and I am now convinced that it is, in fact, a female Now I am on the lookout for a male