We have bought and are installing Smartedge lawn edging which involves cutting a narrow 14cm trench in the ground. www.lawnedge.com/en-gb/fitting.php As in most gardens, our Devon soil contains a fair quantity of stones. As we have many meters of Smartedge to fit the thought of removing every stone which gets in the way by hand is daunting. We are wondering whether anyone has overcome this problem, or similar, by using some sort of grinding/cutting machine suitable for garden use? Thanks, Nicand.
I hired a petrol powered ring saw cutter to cut some excess concrete off the foundations in my greenhouse. That might do the trick? e.g. http://www.hss.com/g/7156/Concrete-Ring-Saw-350mm.html
Dont try a ringsaw, these are great for cutting concrete but soil would ruin the diamond blade in seconds and these are really expensive! What you want is a trenching machine: http://www.aplant.com/catalogue.aspx?id1=350005&ret=1