Soap Powder in my compost heap

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by Notshaz, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Notshaz

    Notshaz Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 18, 2005
    I read that soap powder would get rid of ants. So I gave it a try. It worked but now I dont know how long the compost needs to be left before it can be used. I want to move the compost bin any suggestions please. :confused:
  2. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Mmmm not sure that was the best advise to have acted on. I've had ants nest in my compost heap - usually near the top for years, and they ain't done any harm. Get a bit disturbed when I turn it, or add to it - but the compost has been just fine, and no increase of nests in the border.

    Not sure what soap powder you used, but I would take out the part you applied it to, wash it off and then give the whole heap a soak to leach out any remainder - I don't think those nice little red worms so invaluable in a heap would like it at all. If you've got rid of the majority should be ok to use in a month or so - otherwise leave it til spring.

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