SOFT FRUIT BED (sorry did not mean to shout)

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by oldwinegum, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. oldwinegum

    oldwinegum Gardener

    Nov 23, 2006
    I have just dug out what I hoped to be a soft fruit bed which I intend to net ect. I obtained from my local garden centre three redcurrant, two blackcurrant and a gooseberry at the bargin price of �£5 the lot.(too good to refuse) however I had intended to include 6-8 raspberry canes.
    Looking at the books ect I find the spacing for black and redcurrant to be over 5ft and I was only allowed (by H.T.S.B.O.) 12ft by 6ft.
    Is it nessessary to have such spacing? I can have the gooseberry outside the fruit cage but not the rest.
    A deal has been struck. I now have a 15 by 8 foot fruit bed so problem solved.

    [ 10. December 2006, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: oldwinegum ]

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