Solar powered garden lights

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by notgreenfingered, May 30, 2011.

  1. notgreenfingered

    notgreenfingered Gardener

    May 13, 2011

    We are wanting to get some solar powered lights to dot around our border. We do need them to light a path or anything like that and are not wanting to spend a fortune on them either.

    Does anyone have any recommendations?

  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi NGF,

    There are loads of wierd and wonderfull ones about now, glowing coloured balls etc.

    I usually wait till summers over, a lot of the shops reduce them to clear then.

    Think I got about 5 for a £ a few years back, the rechargeable batteries in them would cost more than that alone.
  3. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    I bought some cheapie ones just to try how they work. They are rather small, stick- like so also the actual panel on the top is small. Therefore they are more like decorative fairy lights, not giving much illumination. But I have to admit, they are pretty and considering I just popped them into pots 2 years ago and they have lighted up every night, winter and summer without any extra cost or trouble, worth the money! (£0.99 each... [​IMG] )

    The amount of actual illumination depends largely on the size and position of the panel, there are models where you can recharge the panel in a sunny spot and plug it in when light is needed.
  4. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    Hi NGF. Ten Pastel-Coloured Garden Lights each light contains batteries that stores the energy from the sun. Cost £22.75 from Q.V.C UK. These are good quality lighting.:thumbsup:.
    Personally i have various sorts in my garden,last count @36 lights, not counting the strings round the arches. Just waiting for a plane to land:D.
    Nice on a Nice summers evening sitting drinking a few SHERBETS with all the lights on:dancy:.
  5. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    A bit off topic but this is part of my solar powered back up system


    An 18 watt panel feeds 2 12volt leisure batteries. When the power goes off, as it will as the U.K.s antiquated power stations are decomissioned, we can light the living rooms and bedrooms.

    There is also a 12 volt socket with an adaptor for the laptop, although with no mains there will be no wi fi, but there are plenty of DVDs.

    The Kitchen has a battery light that comes on if mains power fails, so we don't suddenly find ourselves cooking in the dark.
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