A couple of pics of some of our chickens. Its a mixed bunch including Croad Langshan, Light Sussex, White Stars, Cream Legbars and some crosses of these with the Light Sussex cockerel. Latest hens were hatched in October last year and put into the main flock a week ago. As their 'growers shed' has a run within the main paddock there was no trouble letting the chicks out. Hoping that they will be laying shortly. Next plan is to buy more cream legbars so that we can hatch only the blue eggs and not inbreed to the Sussex cock. The chicks from this cross should be sex linked, meaning that the cockerels can be identified at a day old and culled.
I quite often buy blue eggs, really nice but expensive as eggs go. Old Cotswold legbars it says on the box. I know nothing about chickens, as you can probably guess.
Its more my wifes hobby than mine so I'm no expert. We did have lots of different colour eggs at one time from brown to conker brown, olive, green, dusky pink and blue. The colour doesn't determine the taste - its more what they are fed on. We have a relative who will only eat blue eggs - he never ate eggs until he saw our coloured eggs.