Something to share with my GC friends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Apple Blossom, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Apple Blossom

    Apple Blossom Total Gardener

    May 10, 2015
    I thought I would just share this with my GC friends:grphg:

    Both my parents died when I was very young and my Father-in-Law (Dad to me) has just sent me this he's 87 hope you enjoy it as much as I have .......

    I remember the bologna of my childhood,

    And the bread that we cut with a knife,

    When the children helped with the housework,

    And the men went to work not the wife.

    The cheese never needed a fridge,

    And the bread was so crusty and hot,

    The children were seldom unhappy

    And the wife was content with her lot.

    I remember the milk from the bottle,

    With the yummy cream on the top,

    Our dinner came hot from the oven,

    And not from a freezer; or shop.

    The kids were a lot more contented,

    They didn't need money for kicks,

    Just a game with their friends in the road,

    And sometimes the Saturday flicks.

    I remember the shop on the corner,

    Where candies for pennies were sold

    Do you think I'm a bit too nostalgic?

    Or is it....I'm just getting old?

    Bathing was done in a wash tub,

    With plenty of rich foamy suds

    But the ironing seemed never ending

    As Mama pressed everyone's 'duds'.

    I remember the slap on my backside,

    And the taste of soap if I swore

    Anorexia and diets weren't heard of

    And we hadn't much choice what we wore.

    Do you think that bruised our ego?

    Or our initiative was destroyed?

    We ate what was put on the table

    And I think life was better enjoyed.
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      Last edited: Jul 25, 2015

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