Sowing Winter seeds?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Synthhead, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Synthhead

    Synthhead Gardener

    Nov 22, 2007

    Slugs have attacked my few winter brassicas while I wasn't looking.....
    An idea I had was to plant some brassica seeds (cabbage, pak choi and maybe spinach) in baby pots indoors, and then when they have germinated and established themselves, put them in the greenhouse (unheated) and pot them up into bigger containers as needed.

    Does anyone else do this?
    I've got garlic and some transplanted self-seeded leeks doing nicely in there, and I reckon parsley and white lisbon/blood-red redmate spring onions should be OK....

    Any tips, or suggestions for other seeds to plant?
    A ggod type of winter lettuce maybe?

    I have enough warm windowsill room indoors to germinate stuff, and plenty of room in the G/H.
    Being skint, I can't afford pre-grown plug plants though, so it's seeds or nowt ;) ......

  2. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi Dave, the brassicas are hardy and should be fine outdoors. I have beet spinach oputside as well.

    The garlic needs to be outside in the ground as the frost will make the bulb split into separate cloves, if they are too warm you tend to just get 1 big clove.

    Leeks are also fine outside, the cold even seems to improve the flavour.

    Not sure about the pak choi or red onions.

    In the greenhouse you could put winter salads like rocket, oriental types like mitzuma, or lambs lettuce, and I'm not sure but I seem to remember someone on a gardening program suggesting carrots. Might try some myself.

    Bob Flowerdew on Gardeners' Question Time says to plant some spuds in tubs for an early crop, but I don't think any seed potatoes are available to buy just yet.

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