Spending Vouchers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Victoria Plum, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. Victoria Plum

    Victoria Plum Gardener

    May 6, 2009
    Zone 8b/9a
    I thought it might be fun to ask this question...

    I have been £25 in nursery vouchers and wondered if there is a single plant or several that you would spend the money on?

    There is lots we need, like compost etc, but I thought it might be nice to use it to put towards, or buy outright, one special thing/things to remember who gave me the vouchers. So it would have to be something to last, perennials or a tree or shrub.

    I have room for miniature trees, in fact I really like the sound of the white berried rowan, room for perennials. We have silty loam soil, so anything goes, although magnolias and the like I would need to put in a pot, as we are not acid.

    I would love to know what you would buy, to give me inspiration, and so I don't just use the voucher for things I need.
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I was given £30 in Homebase vouchers last summer when I left a job to start a new one (I returned 6 weeks later, but that's another story!). There was nothing I wanted especially in Homebase, so I used them on small things - acid free compost, a large pot to move my Fig tree into. Things like that.

    If I had the equivalent in vouchers for a nursery or garden centre, I think I would get something flowering as well, perhaps a Camellia or as you suggest, a flowering fruit bush/tree.

    Nice present to get though :)

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