Spring bulbs coming up in October

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Burmarose, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Burmarose

    Burmarose Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 25, 2011
    I'm relatively new to gardening, only 3 years or so.
    I planted 50+ spring bulbs (tulips, alliums, muscari) in a border at the end of Sept but they are coming up with tall green leaves already. It has been very warm for Autumn.
    Will I lose them or can I do anything to save them? It was hard work planting them all!
    Many thanks in advance
  2. Axl

    Axl Gardener

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where are you? Assuming UK it's rare but not unheard of for spring bulbs to attempt to come up now. A few years ago year there were untold amounts of daffs flowering at this time here in Wiltshire but these were in the ground for a while and confused by the warm weather we had after a cold snap. If I remember rightly they were fine again the following spring but I'm not sure about the bulbs you've mentioned as they're newly planted. They'll have put/be putting their roots down and are now using stored energy which normally activates in Spring. When it turns cold again they may just die down again and come back up in Spring but they may also be using energy now which they won't have the chance to recoup again.

    Also depends a lot on where you are as they may well have been planted a tad too early.

    Would be interested to see what others think.
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    • Pixie

      Pixie Gardener

      Aug 23, 2010
      Hi, my muscari bulbs have been up for a few weeks now, just the green leaves. They do this every year, and the cold weather doesn't bother them at all. They flower nicely in the spring. If the actually bulbs are showing, which yours probably aren't with being so newly planted, but if so just top up with compost or mulch to protect. Alliums should go dormant, from what i understand. Don't worry.:)
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      • Burmarose

        Burmarose Apprentice Gardener

        Oct 25, 2011
        Spring bulbs

        Thanks very much for replies. I am in East London/Essex border so still quite warm here. I think maybe I planted too early but I was just going with Gardeners World.
        I will put some more compost/mulch on top and keep fingers crossed.

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