Sprout advice,please

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Bob flemming, May 30, 2008.

  1. Bob flemming

    Bob flemming Gardener

    May 7, 2008
    Professional wall and floor tiler.
    Afternoon everyone Bob flemming here,I,m very much a novice when it comes to growing nobby sprouts,Can anyone tell me do you have to use canes for support?.The ones i,ve planted are growing very fast and tall in huge pots,and are starting to droop over,Are they ok in pots or would the ground be more suitable,many thanks Bob.
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008

    You don't normally have to support sprouts where I live in the south although in the past, I've tied some of the late varieties to canes to get them through the last bit of the winter. Sprouts like to have a firm grip with their roots and I've never tried them in pots. I'm guessing they'd get really floppy in the soft compost so support would be necessary.

    Why not leave a few in the pots and plant the rest out and then compare the results? When planting out, make sure they're in firm. If they've already formed a big root ball in the compost, you may need to give them some temporary support until they can dig their toes in. Otherwise, a strong wind will push them over, especially if they're wet with rain.

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