Spuds from Holland

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by varallo, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. varallo

    varallo Gardener

    Jan 4, 2010
    Does anybody have experience obtaining seed spuds from Holland.

    I live in Italy and am unable to get potatoes from Scotland (many tears (being an ex-pat Scot) !!!) problem apart from the cost is that the shippers in UK do not accept potatoes for shipping.

    BUT the local garden centre here in Italy imports from Holland (probably by truck) and I am keen to get them to order a variety or two that could be good here .... Any suggestions re good spuds from Holland that are resistant to blight etc etc ???:help:

  2. Makka-Bakka

    Makka-Bakka Gardener

    Feb 7, 2008
    Research assistant and someone to blame things on
    Quedgeley, south of Gloucester!

    Don't know what varieties will grow in Sunny Italy but some years ago saw seed potatoes Cara in Teneriffe.

    The eaters on sale also looked like Cara to me.

    I grow Sante as a main crop, it is a Dutch developed variety and is fairly blight resistant!

    As there is loads of wonderful veggies and fruit grown in Italy, someone should be able to enlighten you.

    Can you not post on some local garden forum, and also make friends with some new posters.

    We used to have a lady posting on here from southern Italy , but I cannot remember her moniker.

    She used to post some very colourful photies of flowers etc, she had grown!

    But sadly she seems to have disappeared.

    Hope this helps!

  3. varallo

    varallo Gardener

    Jan 4, 2010
    Hi Makka-Bakka,
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions - I will investigate the possibility of Sante. It may surprise you and perhaps others but the internet in Italy is hardly even in its infancy - I am not sure why but the Italians just do not seem to realize the potential of internet - quite a few have e-mail addresses but they go for weeks without looking to see if they have mail and then say it doesn't work !!! Suffice to try searching for a product or virtually anything and if you are lucky enough to find a site that is relative then you will have a tough job finding how to buy the item they are porporting to sell. All quite amazing and very frustrating. Please do not misunderstand my sentiments - I love Italy and all those in this super country but Internet - forget it !

    Incidentally I have yet to find any type of forum here hence my joining GC as well as thay fabulous dpreview.com for photographers.
  4. varallo

    varallo Gardener

    Jan 4, 2010
    Due to the potato culture in Italy being fairly "thin" compared to that of Pasta or olive oil or wine or tomatoes ...............
    I have therefore discovered that the system here in Italy is that the Dutch companies sell to Wholesalers here and of course the minimums per quality are BIG. So one has to go to a middle man and then another and so on to a local retailer - the crux seems that the selection of varieties in acceptabel quantities in the local shop finish up being TWO - white or red !!!
    Consequently big question is:

    Does anybody know of a Dutch company that sells on line - (as many do in UK) in reasonably small quantities ( I have looked around with no success) so I can purchase and therefore try a good selection of varieties of seed potatoes to split into my kilo requirements which is a max total of 30 Kilos.
    In doing so I can test the ground this year and see which variety will be best for next year and so on.

    Thanks in advance

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