Spuds same plot 2nd year

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Leadbelly, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Leadbelly

    Leadbelly Gardener

    Sep 1, 2007
    I know it's best to rotate your crops, but due to garden renovations in the area where I had hoped to plant this years main crop of spuds I am sure time will beat me. The plot that I grow my spuds in last year is not spoken for but it has had a make over, I have added a good 6 inches of top soil and some really good farm yard muck with a good dig-in. The only problem is that this was only done about 5 weeks ago, will it be ok to chance a 2nd main crop of spuds in this same plot.


    and many thanks to you folks for answering all my questions before this one, I feel I will be putting myself on you all again many times over. HAPPY DAYS.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Well, my initial thought is NO DON'T DO THAT. But of course the real world isn't like that ...

    I read a book which talked about crop rotation and put forwards a viewpoint of growing the SAME crop in the SAME place EVERY year UNTIL you had a problem, then move it to a different patch - that way you could be SURE that the new patch had no disease ... compare with allotments where all the plots have club root :( ...

    Its just that you are wanting to grow Potatoes in the same place ... I mean .. "POTATOES" !! .. in my book that has to be the worst candidate and I just wish you had said "Lettuces" or somesuch!!!

    So I think ... basically you can chance your arm. Fingers-crossed should be OK. However, I would suggest that you have a serious plan for what to do if you get disease. Careful removal of all plant material (gloves, don't touch or spread to anywhere else, carefully wash hands etc. after removal, that type of thing) and disposable (Council bin or bonfire). To put it in perspective consider how inconvenient it would be if you could not grow Potatoes on your site for, say, the enxt 10 years??

    But maybe I'm being overly cautious. Whever hapened to Quatermass ?!

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