Starting out...early successes!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by barrybridges, May 21, 2010.

  1. barrybridges

    barrybridges Apprentice Gardener

    May 21, 2010

    I am new here so looking to get some advice and ideas from other gardeners. I really like gardening but have never before grown anything, so this year I decided to make a start.

    At the moment, I'm growing some cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, strawberries, peppers and dwarf beans and many of these are just sprouting in my greenhouse.

    This weekend though, I'm hoping to create a nice vegetable bed in the garden so that I can - in the future - plant my beans and expand my selection.

    So, my question really is - what veg can I still be planting at this time of the year? I'm possibly a little late with a lot of the veg, I'm guessing, but looking for some ideas of some suitable vegetables that are going to be nice and enjoyable later in the year (I would prefer more common veg that have many culinary uses, rather than things like radishes).

    What are you ideas? I have a nice big garden so plenty of space for raised beds, south-facing so lots of sun too.
  2. Atticus L

    Atticus L Gardener

    Apr 20, 2010
    West Midlands, England.
    Hiya Barry

    Sounds like you have a great garden. Don't worry about being behind with planting, the weather was so bad at the beginning of the year we should have an Indian Summer (famous last words). Anyway, certainly if you fancy brussel sprouts, cauliflower, Kale, marrows, pumpkins, or courgettes, get them planted. You can't go wrong with runner beans too, get some nice stringless ones.

    My new favourite are squashes, fantastic interesting plants. Try some.

    Don't forget a nice rhubarb patch too, and a space for globe artichokes! :gnthb:
  3. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi Barry

    There's plenty of time to grow veg this year!

    I've given up trying to make an early start with planting - it's too uncertain and I used to find that later stuff would often catch up with early sowings that I'd bust a gut to achieve.

    You can plant lettuce, beetroot, winter cabbage, carrots and beans right now.

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