Hiya chums. I saw something last night that I thought was amazing, on Sky Arts2. A percussian outfit called Stomp. Basically, if there was something capable of making a noise, they used it! From the more obvious things, like dustbins and oil drums, to broom handles, basket balls and even newspapers and paper bags! Take a look at the following. There are several other links to their performance too.... Oh yes, plenty of humour too STOMP - NEWSPAPERS - YouTube Cheers...Freddy.
"Stomp" have been around for years, I remember them when they first appeared on TV doing an Ad. (1986) I confess I had to google the ad, but here it is, enjoy. Stomp
I've seen Stomp on the stage in London, one of the most amazing West End productions I've been too. No intermission, about 8 people on stage continuously for a full 2 hours, doing very energetic stuff, the whole thing was mind blowing. That clip is one of the least energetic parts of the performance - presumably that's there relaxation intermission! I would not have believed that you could make music with a few newspapers ... or ski boots strapped to oil drums ... all sorts. Starts off with a chap with a broom sweeping the stage. No stage curtain, so I thought he was just a stage hand. Several sweeping stokes followed by banging the broom head on one end to knock the dirt off. He gets into a bit of a rhythm, then a second "stage hand" comes on doing the same thing, and after half a dozen of them are on the stage, with brooms, making "music" with a rhythm you realise that the show has started! Highly recommended - noisey though! Saw Lilly Allen (I think that's who the sprogs said it was) going into the Ivy opposite the theatre, which apparently made their day ...