
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by trogre, May 31, 2015.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Hi All. 2 years ago I cut off a lot of runners off strawberries in border. I ended up with 3 left over so just stuck them in an old 9" plastic hanging container which was only half full with old compost, I forgot all about them!

    Last summer they grew nicely and had runners hanging down outside of pot trying to reach some earth. Again they are growing well this year and of the 3 plants must have about 20 berries forming.

    I decided to buy a proper hanging basket and plant some new runners in top & sides, again from runners from plants in border. However on reading about strawberries in hanging baskets there are certain types you can/have to buy. These plants do not send out runners which drain energy from the main plant. Another point I read and no explanation was given was when planting plants into hanging basket/container if the roots which can be very long are too long and curl up then you must trim them off so they are flat??

    Has anyone got a specific strawberry plant just for hanging baskets? I see there are quite a few varieties and was wondering what you think of them taste wise.
  2. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    No specific variety suggestions from me .... I just bought a reduced strawberry barrel from a well known garden centre and ... stuck the whole thing into my hanging basket and called it job done :redface:

    Sounds to me like your previous efforts went well though so ... maybe continue as you did before? :noidea:
  3. hans

    hans Gardener

    Jun 10, 2005
    Mid Wales
    They are fairly easy to grow. My this years outdoor plants are lifted from the garden in April into sheltered large pots and fruit allowed to fatten up. As they start to ripen I put the large pots in a greenhouse away from Blackbirds, slugs etc nothing worse than a half eaten strawberry. There a loads left outside for the birds although they seem to quite quickly get fed up with them. Taking runners is part of the cycle of getting fresh vigorous plants. You are doing well but guard from the natural munchers.
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