Strawberry "Elan"; strawberry "Leo Alba": questions.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by "M", Jan 8, 2013.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    I bought these today reduced down to 99p each.

    Firstly, "Elan":

    Jan 2013 plants (7).JPG

    Can anyone advise me if I have two "runners" or if that is simply how they produce fruit? Here's a closer view of the "runners" ...

    Jan 2013 plants (8).JPG

    If they should be runners, can I grow new plants from them at this stage and time of year? Or should I just chop them off?

    Secondly, "Leo Alba"

    Jan 2013 plants (12).JPG

    No runners, but seems to be a bushier plant. Does that mean it can be divided?

    I'm really hoping that my little investment will mean I don't need to buy any more plants and they will be the parent of many new plants in the future. So, on that basis, please may I ask for all your hints/tips and "need-to-know"'s regarding these two plants?

    Thank you; any and all help is appreciated.
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I'm a strawberry newby but I've had some for a year or so now, and my dad grows loads.

    If you plant them in open ground where those runners can come into contact with the soil, you'll almost certainly get new plants. Either way the 'central/parent' will send out many runners later in the year and create lots of babies.

    You've seen my shed roof strawberry field project haven't you:

    All the plants on the roof are rooted runners from 2 plants that I put in my garden last year or the year before. Those two original plants are still in the ground where I planted them, as are several more of their babies that are only not on the roof because I liked them where they were.
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    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      You got all your babies from just two plants!!!??? :wow: Thank you!

      Yes, I saw your strawberry roof :dbgrtmb: I'm now thinking that if the parents produce so many babies ... I have two sheds which may well be adorned with milk jugs this time next year :heehee:
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