strawbs - too much foliage ...

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by sue young, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. sue young

    sue young Gardener

    Aug 14, 2014
    hi all,
    just wondered what to do about some of my strawberry plants; they have been really sturdy and produced a moderate amount of fruit for quite a few years now. ive managed to plant creepers from them, and this year have around 35-40 plants all flowering and producing fruit.
    However, one or two planters that have the older strawbs in them seem to have lots of foliage and its overgrowing the flowers ... just wondered if its ok to snip back the foliage so the flowers get the sun? if so, where on the stalk do I snip? right at the base?
    thanks for any replies

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