Student Container Veg/Herb Garden

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Cerys, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Cerys

    Cerys Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 12, 2013
    Hi! I'm moving into accommodation in September, and finally this one has a garden, albeit just a patio. I am hoping to grow some veg or even just lots of herbs in containers, but obviously I am a student and won't be there the full year, so I need things that I can sow in September, that I can harvest before June when I get kicked out.
    I've had a google and I know most things need to be sown in the spring, which is disappointing. I cook a lot, which is why I suggested herbs, but can I grow potatoes, onions and garlic during this time?
    I will probably try any vegetable, I just want to be able to grow something!
    Any advice would be helpful, and if you have any tips in general for me and my first garden (especially if they're how to do it on the cheap!) that would be much appreciated.
    I live in Bangor, North Wales, if that sways anything. Thanks!
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Welcome to Gardeners Corner:sign0016:

      You could try Mizuna, Land Cress, Purple Sprouting Brocolli, Autumn Onions and Lambs Lettuce.
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Cerys Welcome to GC :sign0016:

      The academic year isn't well matched to much gardening, is it.

      I agree that a herb planter would be good but have you also considered sprouting seeds? You can grow those all year round on your windowsil and are considered a 'super' food; can be grown in less than a week and are great for stir fries, adding to salads, sandwiches, omlettes and even stews (for the last minute only).

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