summer borders

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by pip, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Morning all

    At the moment my garden is lacking in colour, just a few roses and spirea in flower, and I was wondering what perenial plants to plant so as to fill the gap after the lillies have finished. Up to 24ins high would be ideal.

  2. Spruce

    Spruce Glad to be back .....

    Apr 10, 2009
    Hi Pip

    My borders have just come alive , Phlox , Monarda , Helichrysum all tall ones and full sun well drained soil you cant go wrong

    And later on Asters, rudbeckkia all tall will carry it on into the autumn and borders edged with sedums about 12 inches high

    Hope this helps

    • Like Like x 1
    • Louise D

      Louise D Total Gardener

      Mar 24, 2011
      Somerset Coast
      Lots to choose from but here are a few for you to look up .......

      * Schizostylis, they are beautiful for late summer colour.
      * Anemones, in various heights and types, too.
      * Nemesia's go on and on !
      * Agastache.
      * Alstroemerias go on until the first frosts.
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      shasta daisies superbum .... in full bloom right now ... if you do buy, make sure it's the superbum and not the larger ones, as the larger ones get 'floppy' and need support

      Black eyed susans (Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm') will be blooming within the next few weeks ... looks good when planted with the shasta daises
      echinacea are in bloom now, come in all colours and sizes:

      plant some baby's breath inbetween, which should be blooming shortly

      • Like Like x 1
      • daitheplant

        daitheplant Total Gardener

        Dec 19, 2006
        South East Wales
        Basically, has as been mooted, any herbaceous perennials.:dbgrtmb:
        • Like Like x 1
        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Yep, Spruce, Louise, Dim, and Dai have said it all.:D
        • davygfuchsia

          davygfuchsia Gardener

          Dec 2, 2010
          I use perennials, infilled with planted tubs for extra colour and a few larger plants in pots plunged into the ground for summer .




          This will flower through till late autumn ..but I have a very drab garden through the winter ..

          • Like Like x 4
          • Scotkat

            Scotkat Head Gardener

            Aug 11, 2006
          • redstar

            redstar Total Gardener

            Aug 6, 2008
            Domestic Goddess
            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
            Very pretty Dave. Great colors.
          • Jupes

            Jupes Gardener

            Jul 10, 2011
            We have Crocosmia, Rudbeckia, Agapanthus, Cow Parsley, Black Eyed Susan, Geraniums, Fuschias, anemones, achillea all in flower now.
          • *dim*

            *dim* Head Gardener

            Jun 26, 2011
            I have a microsoft database that I created to help with landscaping .... here are some results of plants that bloom in July ... (peak i.e. they blooms are at their best)

            tried to psort more info (additional colums with flower colour, height etc etc but came out garbled on this forum as I copied directly from the access database

            QUERY_MAINNAMEFLOWER COLOURFLOWER TIMEPEAKBegonia Aromantics®pink orange yellow whitejune july aug septjuly augBegonia Bellconia Mixedpink white redjune july aug septjuly augDelphinium Phantomwhite with blackjune july augjulyDelphinium Strawberry Fairvioletjune july augjulyDianthus Cherry Magicviolet with pinkjune july augjulyDianthus Dessert Seriespink with violetjune july aug septjuly augDianthus Festival Mixedmixed white pink purplejune july aug septjuly augDianthus Valda Wyatt / Pinks: Valda Wyattpinkmay june july aug septjulyDiascia Diamontemixed pink orange purplejune july aug septjuly augDicentra spectabilispinkmay june july aug septjulyDigitalis / Foxglove Excelsior Hybridsmixed white pink purplesjune julyjune julyEremurus - Yellow Foxtail Lilyyellowjune july aug septjuly augFreesia Double-flowered Mixedmixed pink purple yellow whitejuly septjuly septFuchsia Alice Hoffman / Hardy Fuchsiared with whitemay june july augjune julyFuchsia Army Nursered with purplemay june july aug septjulyFuchsia Black Beautyred with blackjune july aug septjuly augHosta Stripteasepale violetjune july aug septjuly augHosta Venuswhitejune july aug septjuly augHosta White Featherwhitejune july aug septjuly augDaylily You-Angel-You - Dwarf Doublepeach with maroonjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Midnight Dynamitemaroon with yellowjune july augjulyDaylily Pandora's Box - Dwarfwhite with maroonjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Purple Cowpurple with yellowjune july augjulyDaylily Seal of Approvalwhite with purplejune july aug septjuly augDaylily Startlered with yellowjune july augjulyDaylily Stella d'Oro - Dwarfyellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Strawberry Candy - Dwarfpink with yellow and maroonjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Thundering Ovationmaroon with yellowjune julyjune julyDaylily Twilight Secretspink with yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Voodoo Dancerred with yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Wild Horseswhite with maroonjune july aug septjuly augFuchsia Delta's Sarahblue with whitejune july augjulyFuchsia Dorothy Hanleyredjune july aug septjuly augFuchsia magellanica Aurearedjune july aug septjuly augFuchsia Mood Indigopeach with violetjune july augjulyGardenia Kleim's Hardywhitejune july aug septjuly augGazania Tiger Mixyellow with white and maroonjune july aug septjuly augGeranium Antik Collectionmixedjune july aug septjuly augGeranium [Hardy] Birch's Doubledark pinkmay june july aug septjulyGeranium [Hardy] cinereum Ballerinalilac pink with purplejune july aug septjuly augGeranium [Hardy] Double Jewelwhitejune july aug septjuly augGeranium [Hardy] phaeumblack/ deep purplejune july aug septjuly augGeranium [Hardy] sanguineum Albumwhitejune july augjulyGeranium [Hardy] Starmanpink with dark pinkjune july aug septjuly augGladiolus - Giant Mixmixed purple pink red orange white peachjuly augjuly augGladiolus Arabian Nightviolet with blackjuly augjuly augGladiolus Belle de Nuitburgendy red
            july augGypsophila Festivalwhitejune july augjulyOrchid - Habenaria radiata (White Egret Orchid)whitejuly augjuly augFrilly flowers look fantastic spilling over the edge of baskets and pots.

            Begonia Coconut Ice
            pink with whitejune july aug septjuly augBegonia Lotto Mixedmixed red white pinkjune july aug septjuly augBrodiaea laxa Royal Blue ( harvest lily )purplejune julyjune julyBulbs - Summer Flowering Collectionmixed all coloursjune july aug septjuly augBusy Lizzie Apricot Butterflyapricotjune july aug septjuly augHeuchera Caramelcarameljune julyjune julyHeuchera Coral Bells Mixmixedjune julyjune julyHollyhock Fruity Mixedmixed pink orange yellowjune july augjulyHosta Blue Mouse Ears - Mini
            june july aug septjuly augHosta Bressingham BluewhitejulyjulyHosta Fire & Icelilacjune july augjulyHosta Flavocircinalislavenderjune julyjune julyHosta Hydon Sunset (Miniature)purplejune julyjune julyHosta One Man's Treasurered buds purple flowersjune july augjulyHosta Pandora's Box (Miniature)purplejune julyjune julyHosta Paradigmlavenderjune july aug septjuly augHosta Patriotlilacjune july aug septjuly augIris - Japanese Iris Mixpurple white bluejune julyjune julyIris Black Taffetablack / purplejune julyjune julyIris ensata Freckled Geishapurple with whitejune julyjune julyIsmene Festalis - Peruvian Daffodilwhitejune julyjune julyRed Hot Poker / torch lillyorange with yellowjune july augjulySweet Pea Antique Bouquetpurple white orange yellow mixedjune july aug septjuly augSweet Pea Floral Tributered yellow white purple mixedjune july aug septjuly augSweet Pea Sugar 'n' Spice / dwarf seet peared purple white yellow mixedjuly augjuly augSweet Pea Sugar 'n' Spice Bicolourpurple with redjuly augjuly augLavender Blue Riderpurplemay june july augjune julyLavender Hidcotepurplemay june july augjune julyLily - Gerrit Zalm Hybridlime greenjune july aug septjuly augLily Scarlet Delightred with greenmay june july augjune julyLily - Turks' Cap Red - Lilium tenuifoliumredjune july augjulyLily Elegant Ladypinkjune july augjulyLily Oriental Casa Blancawhitejuly augjuly augAbutilon megapotamicumred and yellowjune july aug sept octjuly aug septAchillea Summer Berriesred pink yellowjune july augjulyAgapanthus Back in Blackpurple with black stemsjune july augjulyAgapanthus - African Lilyblue or whitejuly septjuly aug septAgeratum Blue Danubebluejune july augjulyHollyhock Fruity Mixedpink orange yellowjune july augjulyAllium Globemasterpurplejune july augustjulyAllium Mediterranean Bells - Allium siculum (Nectaroscordum)white with pinkjune july augjulyAlstroemeria Garden Hybrids Mixed - Peruvian Lilywhite with pink purple yellowjune july aug septjuly augAlstroemeria Planet Mixedwhite pink yellowjune july aug septjuly augAlstroemeria Sweet Laurayellow with maroonjune july aug septjuly augAnemone De Caen Blue & White Windflower Mixblue and whitejune july augjulyAnemone St Brigid Double Windflower Mixpurple white pink mixedjune july augjulyAnthemis tinctoria E.C. Buxton (Golden Marguerite)yellowjune july aug septjuly augAntirrhinum Antirhodora Mixedpink white yellow mixedjuly augjuly augLily Oriental Golden Stargazeryellowjuly augjuly augLily Oriental Lovely Girlwhite with purple spotsjuly augjuly augLily Oriental Miss Lucywhitejune july augjulyLily Oriental Muscadetwhite with pinkjuly augjuly augLily Scarlet Delightred with greenmay june july augjune julyLily Turk's Cap - martagondark pink / redjune july augjulyLily Turk's Cap - martagon Albumwhitejune july augjulyMadonna Lilywhitejuly augjuly augAnthemis tinctoria E.C. Buxton (Golden Marguerite)yellowjune july aug septjuly augMarigold French Vanilla F1whitejune july aug septjuly augAstrantia Moulin Rougeredjune july augjulyAstrantia Ruby Cloudredjune july augjulyAstrantia Ruby Weddingredjune july aug septjuly augMimulus Magic Rainbowmixed yellow white red purplejune july augjulyChinchincheree Plant / Chinchincheree Plantwhitejuly augjuly augOsteospermum Passion Mixmixed purple and whitejune july augjulySalpiglossis Royale Mixed F1mixed purple yellow pinkjune july augjulyPansy Can-Can F1 Mixedmixed purple yellow pink whitejune july aug septjuly augParis polyphyllagreenjune july augjulyPeony Bowl of Beautypink with yellowjune julyjune julyPhlox - Giant Hardy - Baby Facepink with dark pinkjune july aug septjuly augPhlox - Giant Hardy - Davidwhitejune july aug septjuly augPhlox - Giant Hardy - Nickypurplejune july aug septjuly augPhlox - Giant Hardy - Orange Perfectionorangejune july aug septjuly augPhlox - Giant Hardy - Tenordeep redjune july aug septjuly augArbutus unedo - The Strawberry Treelooks like fruit with white pink flowersjuly augjuly augAstrantia Moulin Rougered with purplemay june july augjune julyAstrantia Romapinkjune july aug septjuly augAstrantia Ruby Cloudredjune july augjulyAstrantia Ruby Weddingredjune july aug septjuly augPhysalis alkekengi franchettii - Chinese Lanternsorange / brown podsjune july augjulyRanunculus Flore Pleno / tall buttercupyellowjune julyjune julyRanunculus Mixedmixed yellow white redjune julyjune julyRose Black Baccarablackjune july augjulyRose Claude Monetred with yellowmay june july aug septjulySalpiglossis Royale Chocolatedark brownjune july augjulySalpiglossis Royale Mixed F1mixed purple yellow pink violetjune july augjulySalvia Blaze of Firedark redjune july augjulyScabiosa Burgundy Bonnetspink with blackjune july aug septjuly augSilene Starburst™redjune july augjulySweet William Messengermixed purple white pinkapril may june july aug septjune julyThunbergia Mixedmixed orange or yellow with black centrejune july aug septjuly augVerbena F1 Quartz Mixedmixed purple and violetjune july augjulyVerbena Peaches & Creamchampagnejuly augjuly augAchillea Summer Berriesmixed pink yellow brownjune july augjulyAlchemilla mollisyellowjune july augjulyCimicifuga racemosa Atropurpureadeep red/purple leavesjune july augjulyGeum flore plena Blazing Sunsetdark redjune july augjulyKniphofia hirsuta Traffic Lightsred pokersjune july aug septjuly augLeymus arenarius Blue Grassblue green grassjune july augjulyLysimachia atropurpureadeep marron spikesjuly augjuly augMalva sylvestris Zebrinapink with maroonjune july augjulyMeconopsis cambrica Double Mixed / welsh poppymixed orange red yellowmay june july augjune julyMillium effusum Aureumlime green grassmay june july aug septjulyMonarda didyma T&M Superb Mixedmaroon purple white mixedjune july augjulyOphiopogon planiscarpus Nigrescens - Ornamental Black Grassblackjune july augjulyPapaver orientale Pizzicatomixed orange white redjune july augjulyPrimula florindae / giant cowslipyellowjune july augjulyCardiocrinum giganteum - Giant Himalayan Lilywhitejune july augjulyCarnation Tropical Mixedpink redjune july aug septjuly augChinchincheree Plantwhitejuly augjuly augClematis - Large-flowered Collectionmixed white pink purple yellowmay june july aug septjulyAstilbe x arendsii Fanal 'False Goatsbeard'redjune july augjulyAstilbe Rheinland 'False Goatsbeard'pinkjune july augjulyAstilbe Deutschland 'False Goatsbeard'whitejune july augjulyClematis alpina Pink Flamingowhite with pinkapril may july augmay julyClematis Boulevard Collectionpurple and white mixedjune july aug septjuly augClematis Chantilly™ Evipo021[N]whitejune july aug septjuly augClematis Fond Memoriespink with whitejune july aug septjuly augClematis Josephine™ Evijohill[N]purplejune july aug septjuly augClematis The Presidentpurplemay june july aug septjulyCleome F1 Odysee Mixedmixed purple pink whitemay june july aug septjulyConeflower Coconut Lime / Echinacea Coconut Limewhite with light greenjune july aug septjuly augConeflower Tiki Torch / Echinacea Tiki Torchorangejune july aug septjuly augCoreopsis Early Sunriseyellowjune july aug septjuly augCoreopsis rosea Sweet Dreamswhite with violetjune july augjulyCrocosmia - Saffron Fire Flowersorangejuly augjuly augDaffodil Summer Erlicheerwhitejune julyjune julyDahlia Dwarf Mixmixed yellow red orange purple whitejune july aug septjuly augDaylily Blueberry Sundaewhite with maroonjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Breeders' Mixmixed white yellow pink purple redjune july augjulyDaylily Cool Itwhite with yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Edge of Darknesspink with maroon and yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Lacy Doilypink with yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily LittleGrapette - Dwarfmaroon with yellowjune july aug septjuly augDaylily Malibu Madrasyellow with pinkjune july augjuly
          • *dim*

            *dim* Head Gardener

            Jun 26, 2011
            oops ... my previous post never worked and it wont allow me to edit

            ... not sure how to use paste special from microsoft access ... so here are a few plants whose blooms peak in july ....
            (some bloom for 3-4 months, but peak in July) .... you will need to double check on google, so use this only as a guide

            I have loads more info on each plant but it does not allow me to paste here

            Begonia Aromantics®
            Begonia Bellconia Mixed
            Delphinium Phantom
            Delphinium Strawberry Fair
            Dianthus Cherry Magic
            Dianthus Dessert Series
            Dianthus Festival Mixed
            Dianthus Valda Wyatt / Pinks: Valda Wyatt
            Diascia Diamonte
            Dicentra spectabilis
            Digitalis / Foxglove Excelsior Hybrids
            Eremurus - Yellow Foxtail Lily
            Freesia Double-flowered Mixed
            Fuchsia Alice Hoffman / Hardy Fuchsia
            Fuchsia Army Nurse
            Fuchsia Black Beauty
            Hosta Striptease
            Hosta Venus
            Hosta White Feather
            Daylily You-Angel-You - Dwarf Double
            Daylily Midnight Dynamite
            Daylily Pandora's Box - Dwarf
            Daylily Purple Cow
            Daylily Seal of Approval
            Daylily Startle
            Daylily Stella d'Oro - Dwarf
            Daylily Strawberry Candy - Dwarf
            Daylily Thundering Ovation
            Daylily Twilight Secrets
            Daylily Voodoo Dancer
            Daylily Wild Horses
            Fuchsia Delta's Sarah
            Fuchsia Dorothy Hanley
            Fuchsia magellanica Aurea
            Fuchsia Mood Indigo
            Gardenia Kleim's Hardy
            Gazania Tiger Mix
            Geranium Antik Collection
            Geranium [Hardy] Birch's Double
            Geranium [Hardy] cinereum Ballerina
            Geranium [Hardy] Double Jewel
            Geranium [Hardy] phaeum
            Geranium [Hardy] sanguineum Album
            Geranium [Hardy] Starman
            Gladiolus - Giant Mix
            Gladiolus Arabian Night
            Gladiolus Belle de Nuit
            Gypsophila Festival
            Orchid - Habenaria radiata (White Egret Orchid)
            Frilly flowers look fantastic spilling over the edge of baskets and pots.

            Begonia Coconut Ice
            Begonia Lotto Mixed
            Brodiaea laxa Royal Blue ( harvest lily )
            Bulbs - Summer Flowering Collection
            Busy Lizzie Apricot Butterfly
            Heuchera Caramel
            Heuchera Coral Bells Mix
            Hollyhock Fruity Mixed
            Hosta Blue Mouse Ears - Mini
            Hosta Bressingham Blue
            Hosta Fire & Ice
            Hosta Flavocircinalis
            Hosta Hydon Sunset (Miniature)
            Hosta One Man's Treasure
            Hosta Pandora's Box (Miniature)
            Hosta Paradigm
            Hosta Patriot
            Iris - Japanese Iris Mix
            Iris Black Taffeta
            Iris ensata Freckled Geisha
            Ismene Festalis - Peruvian Daffodil
            Red Hot Poker / torch lilly
            Sweet Pea Antique Bouquet
            Sweet Pea Floral Tribute
            Sweet Pea Sugar 'n' Spice / dwarf seet pea
            Sweet Pea Sugar 'n' Spice Bicolour
            Lavender Blue Rider
            Lavender Hidcote
            Lily - Gerrit Zalm Hybrid
            Lily Scarlet Delight
            Lily - Turks' Cap Red - Lilium tenuifolium
            Lily Elegant Lady
            Lily Oriental Casa Blanca
            Abutilon megapotamicum
            Achillea Summer Berries
            Agapanthus Back in Black
            Agapanthus - African Lily
            Ageratum Blue Danube
            Hollyhock Fruity Mixed
            Allium Globemaster
            Allium Mediterranean Bells - Allium siculum (Nectaroscordum)
            Alstroemeria Garden Hybrids Mixed - Peruvian Lily
            Alstroemeria Planet Mixed
            Alstroemeria Sweet Laura
            Anemone De Caen Blue & White Windflower Mix
            Anemone St Brigid Double Windflower Mix
            Anthemis tinctoria E.C. Buxton (Golden Marguerite)
            Antirrhinum Antirhodora Mixed
            Lily Oriental Golden Stargazer
            Lily Oriental Lovely Girl
            Lily Oriental Miss Lucy
            Lily Oriental Muscadet
            Lily Scarlet Delight
            Lily Turk's Cap - martagon
            Lily Turk's Cap - martagon Album
            Madonna Lily
            Anthemis tinctoria E.C. Buxton (Golden Marguerite)
            Marigold French Vanilla F1
            Astrantia Moulin Rouge
            Astrantia Ruby Cloud
            Astrantia Ruby Wedding
            Mimulus Magic Rainbow
            Chinchincheree Plant / Chinchincheree Plant
            Osteospermum Passion Mix
            Salpiglossis Royale Mixed F1
            Pansy Can-Can F1 Mixed
            Paris polyphylla
            Peony Bowl of Beauty
            Phlox - Giant Hardy - Baby Face
            Phlox - Giant Hardy - David
            Phlox - Giant Hardy - Nicky
            Phlox - Giant Hardy - Orange Perfection
            Phlox - Giant Hardy - Tenor
            Arbutus unedo - The Strawberry Tree
            Astrantia Moulin Rouge
            Astrantia Roma
            Astrantia Ruby Cloud
            Astrantia Ruby Wedding
            Physalis alkekengi franchettii - Chinese Lanterns
            Ranunculus Flore Pleno / tall buttercup
            Ranunculus Mixed
            Rose Black Baccara
            Rose Claude Monet
            Salpiglossis Royale Chocolate
            Salpiglossis Royale Mixed F1
            Salvia Blaze of Fire
            Scabiosa Burgundy Bonnets
            Silene Starburst™
            Sweet William Messenger
            Thunbergia Mixed
            Verbena F1 Quartz Mixed
            Verbena Peaches & Cream
            Achillea Summer Berries
            Alchemilla mollis
            Cimicifuga racemosa Atropurpurea
            Geum flore plena Blazing Sunset
            Kniphofia hirsuta Traffic Lights
            Leymus arenarius Blue Grass
            Lysimachia atropurpurea
            Malva sylvestris Zebrina
            Meconopsis cambrica Double Mixed / welsh poppy
            Millium effusum Aureum
            Monarda didyma T&M Superb Mixed
            Ophiopogon planiscarpus Nigrescens - Ornamental Black Grass
            Papaver orientale Pizzicato
            Primula florindae / giant cowslip
            Cardiocrinum giganteum - Giant Himalayan Lily
            Carnation Tropical Mixed
            Chinchincheree Plant
            Clematis - Large-flowered Collection
            Astilbe x arendsii Fanal 'False Goatsbeard'
            Astilbe Rheinland 'False Goatsbeard'
            Astilbe Deutschland 'False Goatsbeard'
            Clematis alpina Pink Flamingo
            Clematis Boulevard Collection
            Clematis Chantilly™ Evipo021[N]
            Clematis Fond Memories
            Clematis Josephine™ Evijohill[N]
            Clematis The President
            Cleome F1 Odysee Mixed
            Coneflower Coconut Lime / Echinacea Coconut Lime
            Coneflower Tiki Torch / Echinacea Tiki Torch
            Coreopsis Early Sunrise
            Coreopsis rosea Sweet Dreams
            Crocosmia - Saffron Fire Flowers
            Daffodil Summer Erlicheer
            Dahlia Dwarf Mix
            Daylily Blueberry Sundae
            Daylily Breeders' Mix
            Daylily Cool It
            Daylily Edge of Darkness
            Daylily Lacy Doily
            Daylily LittleGrapette - Dwarf
            Daylily Malibu Madras

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